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Comment Re:Confusing Comparison: RTS vs RPG (Score 1, Funny) 737

I wonder if all that extra ad revenue will make up for the fact that a bunch of their core demographic are using university network connections that block access to Somehow I think not...

So they lost a part of their core demographic. Less sales... must be piracy! We must implement more DRM and alienate more of of our customers until eventually nobody will want them. And people won't pirate a game they don't want. Piracy is finally defeated!

Comment Re:ARE YOU LISTENING, MICROSOFT? (Score 0) 538

The Atom processors running most netbooks are only 32-bit. This is one of the biggest markets for XP going forward into 2011. Of course ideally in a netbook you'd have some version of Linux running on ARM... but until the app support is there, I doubt that would be of much use to anyone unless all you wanted to do was browse the internet (without Flash). Actually wil
User Journal

Journal Journal: Don't you wonder sometimes?

I feel this journal would be more relevant if it explained the name.
It is a reference to the David Bowie tune.
Like so,

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