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Comment When will we get it from an ethical bank? (Score 1) 156

Indeed, I'll sign up in a heartbeat as soon as you show me your very own KS is backed by an ethical bank.

As I'm not sure all of you know what it is, let's say these are very difficult to find (there is only one in my country*); in general they are non-profit banking associations thaf obviously won't even think about playing on stock exchanges.
And yes they run, reasonably, and more importantly, in a very robust way.

A Kickstarter launched by one such bank, I'd just love. I'd not invest in it: I'd donate. Yes.

(*) in France: Credit Cooperatif. Been here for 10 years now.

Comment A sign Occident has started to die... (Score 1) 140

Once, long ago, there was this supersonic transcontinental aircraft named Concorde.
Then, after years and years of use, for various good reasons it was halted, and same good reasons explained there wouldn't be other civilian supersonics anymore. (but most of us were considering PROGRESS was continueing, weren't us?)

By the last years of Concorde, I graduated a space engineer in Europe.
At that time, when there was a flaw in one of the european spacecrafts or launchers, a commission was created but its results first were hidden for months, and then when published they were so much toned down it was almost ridiculous.
At that time, the immediate comparison, with reverence, was the US: so wealthy a country that any space crash there was immediately detailed, published, openly criticized and you *knew* the next issue would solve it.

Thit, was a time where there was the US, and then the others.

That the US now perform as ridiculously as their lousy followers twenty five years ago, is very telling.

Telling about the end of a civilisation. Face it. We are all Concorde-ed...


USC Launches 3-D Printed VR Headset Library 25

Hesh writes "The University of Southern California has launched a website that contains the blueprints for many of their custom VR headsets as well as new mods to the much anticipated yet unreleased Oculus Rift. Some are helping push DIY VR forward through custom sensor mounts to support, for example, stereo cameras and others add more functionality like new eye cups to help increase the already large FOV of the headset. This is truly an exciting time for VR; by GDC, developers will already have Rifts in hand and tinkerers can 3D-print their own designs now as well!"

Comment Re:Root access and 'custom ROM'? (Score 1) 24

Well, yes and no: 'This is a developer preview image, not intended for general users'...
What I'm waiting for is an open source system that just works, out of the box if I dare say. This Pwnie express looks the closest match, even probably coming with a guarantee of some sort. Of course OTOH, just their name tells me they are expecting more than average joe as an user: if I'm flooded with ridicule here, I won't buy. But still, being convinced that tablets are unavoidable, and seeing how locked our beloved A/G duopoly is evolving them... Well I look for other players...

Comment Root access and 'custom ROM'? (Score 1) 24

I'm an ordinary linux user, not geek, and interested in *owning* my tablet not pwning. Do I understand correctly that buying that one will allow me unrestricted root access?
Also, what exactly is in the 'custom ROM' from this point of view? Am I to be confident?
Last, do you think this tablet will be compatible with general-use linux apps, for instance, shall I be able to install serious image processing tools like Rawtherapee..?

Comment "more focussed", "more buried"... (Score 1) 470

My feeling is, we don't see easily novelties because they are buried into much more data that what the previous centuries' people were used to analyze.
I am aware that this edges to that atrocious Pandora box currently called, 'Big Data', forgive me.
But still, that we don't see innovations as easily as before don't means there aren't.

Even at 'big data' level: 2012 saw the apparition of electoral statistical proofs: for instance, it has been demonstrated that Poutine cheated, and vastly, in his last two elections. There is a math proof, easy to verify, based on stats* --and indeed nobody denegated it.

In a world where 'big data' generally looks rather like 'big brother' or 'FBI knows everything from you', I find it very refreshing that indeed, 2012 big data novelty was the discovery that electoral cheating now can be mathematically demonstrated.

You'll see, some day, one country will set this kind if check inside its law. This, is a scientific novelty if not an 'invention'.

(*) www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1210722109

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