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Comment Re:Today's Vancouver Sun says Canada spying on the (Score 1) 108

Yeah, basically we're paying foreigners to spy on us. Raisin our taxes 'n Outsourcing 'merican jobs. Great!

Use 4k keys folks - the spooks really hate that! Takes at least twice as long to break our codes.

Hey it's only $10,000,000,000 a year!

Which if we spent on building wind and solar we would solve the Global Warming crisis with.

Comment In a box with a fox (Score 1) 310

1. What is the most unusual location you have written a program from? 2. What is the most unusual circumstance under which you have written a program? 3. What is the most unusual computing platform that you wrote a program from? 4. What is the most unusual application program that you wrote?"

1. In an electronically shielded windowless room. Also, in a telephone switching room (different place)
2. The telephone switching room.
3. CP/M on a TEMPEST machine. Think of what you saw in the last episode of The Americans. That.
4. The above. You're not cleared to know that.

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