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Comment Bandwidth especially Satellite (Score 1) 290

Speaking directly from TV World, there isn't such a bandwidth to duplicate channels. H264 has become such a hit because it does amazing amount of bandwidth savings compared to MPEG4-SP or MPEG2.

There can't be (without huge costs) a situation like top 16 mainstream channels airing in 2 bands, one in 2D, one in 3D.

If there were a standard in MPEG spec like 3D bits ignored by 2D receivers, just like analogue b&w/colour situation, things would be really different of course.

On my DVR Box,there are 4 movies consisting of 24 GB which I can't watch without buying an 3D TV from "LG". For me, it is waste of space. This is the issue I talk about. Of course, they just spend 7-8 hours of "3rd tuner" and my electricity to put them there. If we speak about actual, live TV on satellite, things really get ugly.

Comment Tape in a different location (Score 1) 680

Well, cheap backup with years of durability is tape. They will kill me for that but, ask any company why they still use it.
The issue could be, the price. Tape guys moved to enterprise level with enterprise features/interfaces and the price. I really don't know if some kind of semi-pro solution exists.
Obviously, you shouldn't store tapes in same location. A personal safe at bank etc.
If we are speaking about "I got backup anyway" peace of mind kind of offline backup solution, it is tape.

Comment Geocities, please don't forget (Score 1) 680

If we are just talking about photos, there are even more options. A Flickr Pro subscription allows unlimited photos for $25/yr with (optional) sharing of photos.

Until Yahoo kills the service and deletes all your data.

But I'm sure they'd never kill Flickr the way they killed
Yahoo Photos and
Yahoo Video
and deleted everyone's data, right?

Yahoo happily deleted dead people's personal webpages which cost them nothing in terms of bandwidth or processing power.
Most of pages were lame but they were still someone's page.

Comment Also let me remind (Score 1) 333

Google made Chrome x86 only before any other company on OS X land dared to post a non universal binary except Adobe who uses a lot of shared code between Win/OS X.

They didn't even bother to ship a Symbian player/demo/whatever. They could say "Youtube player, with WebM support" and release update to already established Youtube.

Of course, ARM CPU will choke to death when you get this marvelous idea of doing everything on CPU. Even a netbook with a tegra chipset will lose half of its promised battery life/performance as it will have to fallback to CPU.

The absolute comedy is, we are arguing about it while World's true media distribution giant (Apple) has no intention to re-invent the wheel and they agree to Microsoft on that. Apple has put considerable time&money to H264, it isn't like acquiring some unsuccessful codec company and release their stolen codec trusting to how big you are.

Comment As Google is rich (Score 1) 333

Can Google provide us, h264/mpeg sp accelerated device owners, such as less than a billion feature+ phone owners a software to play WebM?

There should also be some kind of remote chip attachment innovation as satellite boxes, dvr and like billion of devices won't accept "new software" as they do their job on hardware level.

Next, they should replace the satellites as entire industry adopted h264 a long time ago.

I have absolutely no idea which "deeper,evil" plan Apple has on this h264 debacle but let me say, I agree to SJobs and Apple on h264. Even Microsoft who is famous for re-inventing the wheel, didn't push their codec further and added h264 support. Ask them why, because it is superior to anything which is on market today and established. On hardware that is!

Comment Cool! (Score 1) 290

I really pity them for helping PHP and FreeBSD projects if they have that kind of feedback from so called open source community.

What they should do is, cut the crap and move to MS .NET so MS may have a single credible prestigious "demo" in hand.

Comment If it is the case, the reason would be (Score 1) 270

I'm glad y'all RTFA and saw where it said

"We are in contact with the third party to assist them in making the necessary fixes," a spokesperson said.

The firm also said that it was looking into "potential workarounds" until the issue was solved.

fwiw, there's evidence that one potential culprit was a yahoo mail client

Funniest thing is, even if you pay to Yahoo, you won't get IMAP support including standard IDLE support.

So while you monkey with POP3 and very funny tricks (for 2011) like "leave messages on server", you will also notice the same idiots somehow gives a similar and non standard service FOR FREE to iPhone/iPad owners. What is worse is, it probably uses HTTP protocol which wasn't absolutely designed for such thing.

My bet is, Windows Phone 7 also comes with free IMAP IDLE-like but not IMAP support and somehow, while messing around with re-inventing the wheel, they did something wrong.

It is karma of paying customers who has to monkey with outdated POP3 protocol.

Comment PHP too (Score 1) 290

As long as FreeBSD doesn't die, they should.

(Yahoo! runs FreeBSD on their web frontend servers and for backend operations, last I heard.)

Isn't there something a bit 'iffy' in terms of the quality of the KAME reference implementation that FreeBSD uses for it's IPv6 stack? I seem to recall reading something about it not being quite 'complete' or stable, but that may have been in the context of something else.

As far as I know, Yahoo uses both FreeBSD and PHP whenever available and they made huge contributions to both projects, in terms of money too. On the other hand, Apple isn't even listed in FreeBSD contributor companies.

You see the great, thankful feedback they get from /. community :)

Comment What about servers sending mail to 300M users? (Score 1) 290

Or it could mean that since Yahoo Mail alone has 300M registered users (never mind their other services) then 1M having a problem is statistically insignificant.

You know one of the worst managed thing at a ISP/Company after DNS? Mail servers. Ask spammers how they are still being able to do business at this age.

They are generally outdated. Now one wonders, if the outdated/misconfigured servers fail to do anything at yahoo.com domain and they start retrying (just like any smtp server), what would happen?

Comment No blame to IPV6 design? (Score 1) 290


IPv6 experts say some Internet users will experience slowdowns or have trouble connecting to IPv6-enabled Web sites because they have misconfigured or misbehaving network equipment


"IPv6 brokenness."

So I should blame the water company if I install my plumbing wrong?

As you give plumbing as example, I feel free to give an example from TV World.

Color TV was a success because TV stations didn't have to bother with BW TV sets. Some analogue genius trick allowed BW sets to keep receiving color and display in black and white. So, people weren't forced to replace their sets.

Same goes for FM radio/Stereo. A mono FM receiver can receive and play stereo FM station even if it includes data such as RDS.

One of the reasons why 3D TV will stay some kind of fantasy? Basically, you can't air 3D TV station or data without displaying like a mess on ordinary 2D TV making it useless for 99%.

Perhaps, IPV6 could have better backward compatibility with IPV4 and such stories wouldn't appear at all.

Comment Yahoo.com is huge (Score 1) 290

So 1000000 users can't view Yahoo's Web server...

And nothing of value was lost.

If you had a clue how lame it looks when you write a comment like that about Yahoo.

It may be valueless for you and me but for people making it one of top 10 sites on global market and number 1 in markets like Japan, it does have a value.

One has to be really disconnected from general public to post a comment about a top 10 www site like that.

Comment Mac retailers will be pissed for sure (Score 1) 754

Don't panic, Lion won't end your ability to install whatever software you want on your Mac.

While on it, everyone who watched logs during Snow Leopard install can tell that Apple was thinking about "online upgrade of OS" or mass testing it and for some reason they didn't do it.
With App Store in place now, Lion OS X will sure have "upgrade from app store" option. Macbook Air owners will sure say "Thank God" as it doesn't have DVD.

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