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Comment Re:Would be different (Score 1) 185

I bet you if he wrote about child pornography or terrorism it would be a different story.

Is it? If so, why?

Yes. Public (or press projected) perception, sensativity, and/or fear.

Although a terrorism writing may have more latitude since shows like 24 are all the rage.

Reading the article is seemed like it was pulled straight from an episode of Criminal Minds IMO.

Comment Not trying to be snarky... (Score 3, Interesting) 308

When your goal is 12,000,000 and have the support of Mr. Wozniak and he believes in your PAC, why not just get the money from him?
(I mean, if I have billions and a topic I support, and 12 million wouldn't make me lose sleep. Just saying.)

Heck, he could start a PR firm that will handle all the ads and such for the PAC and be paid by the PAC. Or you can take a loan from the PAC to pay your bills. Isn't that the way PACs are run currently?

Comment Re:Recycled Hard Drive?! (Score 3, Interesting) 682

. Whatever happened to G.W. Bush's Exchange server backups and recovery? That was a priority with a budget if I recall correctly.

It truly baffles me to no end when people use the wrongs of the past to somehow justify the wrongs of today.

So I guess we just say F' it and let our elected officials get away with whatever they want. Justice was overrated anyways.

Comment Re:Democrats voted (Score 1) 932

Thank you for the perspective.

Here's what I'm seeing from the outside:

  • His district is 75% white, and less than 4% Hispanic. So his constituents know Hispanics mostly in the abstract

Judgmental. Determining the context of 'knowing' another race because you have a higher or lower percentage of population is really near sighted and conflictual.

FWIW, Hispanic does not reference race, just source location, be it Latin America or Spain.

Comment Re:No answer will be given (Score 1) 310

Please tell me you are not using the wrongs of the past to justify the wrongs of today? Come on now.

I'm not sure anybody is saying give Obama a free pass; some of us are just wondering where the FUCK all you constitutional-waving administration critics were during the Bush years... suddenly crawling out of the woodwork after hibernating 8 year I gather.

Sure, maybe Obama hasn't done everything perfect, but I know one thing: throwing Obama under the bus for what clearly started under Bush/Cheney is 100% bullshit.
It gives the impression of really wanting to hide and/or distance one group of politicians from a lot of crap they don't want to own up to, prefer to ignore or forget.

You want to examine and investigate Obama? I say heck yes, I'd welcome that, as long as the previous administration is similarly cross-examined. Bush/Cheney housed goddamn war criminals by any reasonable measure, and no way in hell is there justice if that whole group walks free, after convincing legion of fucktards like yourself to shift the spotlight. This crap didn't appear out of thin air in Jan 2009.

Sorry, that is still not a justifiable defense. Every single elected official volunteers to repair or correct the errors of the past. Period.

Do no stop at just the last administration please. Break away from your favorite news channel and expand the history lesson please. You can easily trace the shift (and growth) of power to the Executive branch back to FDR and The New Deal (and the second New Deal soon after). Those deals created numerous agencies under the Execs control and many, many precedents that each successive administration expanded upon ever since.

Comment Re:No answer will be given (Score 4, Insightful) 310

History dictates that Obama will declare "executive privilege" or some other nonsense

So he'll be like George Bush? After all, the previous administration used every trick in the book to prevent the public from knowing what the White House was doing such as claiming he needed "unbiased" information which is why he refused to turn over the visitor logs when meeting with oil executives on U.S. energy policy, or claimed that by not opening emails they weren't "read" and so the contents didn't have to be turned over to investigators, the public or even backed up for historical purposes.

And let's not forget Bush (and Vice-President Cheney) avoided every single Congressional request to testify on the failings of his administration to prevent the 9/11 attacks, including refusing to hand over every document requested by the 9/11 Commission except for one page, heavily redacted, which had the title, 'Bin Laden Determined to Attack the U.S.".

So if you're saying Obama will declare "executive privilege" or some other nonsense, we can safely assume he is following the example of his predecessor

Please tell me you are not using the wrongs of the past to justify the wrongs of today? Come on now.

Comment Re:how many of these people don't want to retire? (Score 2) 341

When I see ages like 75 and never, I wonder if these are people who don't want to stop working, or people who financially can't stop working. My grandfather is 92 and still choice.

Agreed. Really there should be reworded to "When do I want to be financially independent." Personally I don't want to retire. I enjoy work and the sense of accomplishment that goes with it. Traveling is fun and I do it three or four times a year, but I enjoy my businesses. Why would I sell my businesses that I enjoy and make wonderful money at?

Comment Interesting (Score 2, Interesting) 148

I never understood this. If you break up a rape and beat the crap out of the perpetrator, you are hailed a hero. But expose flaws and you are a criminal. I suppose it's not the crime they are exposing, but the tactics to obtain the information then? So the question would be do the ends justify the means? That would apply to all things governmental/commercial I suppose.

Comment Re:Colonialism??? (Score 1) 398

Doesn't using the phrase "an immigrant would be required to 'live and work' in Detroit for an undetermined length of time" sound a lot like an indentured labour program? It seems awfully familiar to what the Brits did to/in India during the 1800s (

Actually it's exactly like indentureed servitude and it's been done long before the 1800's.

I suppose it's legal since these folks will be volunteers.

In the United States, the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (VTVPA) of 2000 extended servitude to cover peonage as well as Involuntary Servitude.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 222

invent 'nuclear winter'

Awesome!! Totally forgot about that side affect. Humans can push this clock way back with one of those. Less population, less green house gases (fewer people, means fewer cars/heating/burning/etc..), and a cooler planet should Global Warming take off. Man, this could solve so many problems.

I'm trying to see a down side here.....oh yeah, distruction, loss of life, and reverting much of the world back to the 1800's. Dang. I thought we had a Global solution there.

Comment Re:Cellphones during the movie was debated.... (Score 1) 1431

Well its america, and even worse, florida. The courts already said you can kill whomever you want, you just have to say "he's coming right for us".

If I was in america, and everyone around me was armed and with the above mentality, YOUR GOD DAMN RIGHT I WOULD BE ARMED!

If everyone around you is a violent psychopath (this did occur in america), I would want to be protected personally.

Don't believe the hype of the media. These random actions may appear frequent, but are just sensationalized to bring the world into every living room in America thinking that everyone is out to get them. Then the powers to be can more easily control/tax/litigate the populace.

Comment Re:Shocking (Score 2) 409

If proven true in court, this justifies a boycott of Oracle products by all us techies until Oracle produce an open salary audit proving no racial differentials between staff at the same locations. The allegation if true is disgraceful

Hmmmm....Interesting concept. An open salary audit. Let me see. So what you are saying is that all employees for a given job description are equal. Is that correct?

Well, I guess that you would have to make sure that there are measureable metrics to ensure that employee A is doing the same and equal job of employees D, B, F, E, T, C.

Look, what was said, or practiced, is wrong on all fronts. As an employer and a one time employee, it sucks, but it happens all the time. I know for a fact that recruiters look to the mid-west to bring employees to the east/west coast because they have a lesser expectation for salary. Does that make them racist?

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