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Comment It all comes down to Actions not Words (Score 1) 398

There are a lot of intelligent women they could hire, but they tend to hire men who they know, who belong to their frats or went to Stanford.

Many of my colleagues teach at Stanford.

The problem for Silicon Valley is that the world has changed, but they haven't. Kind of like the Deep South.

Just Do It. Hire women as interns at a 50 percent rate. Hire Hispanics and African Americans at least at the level they exist in the general population.

There are many highly able hires out there.

I know, I've been taking classes with them, as I go for my own PhD.

Comment Re:You think Harper gives a rat's ass? (Score 1) 64

Sadly, I think you're right. He's even trying to remove the right of Canadian citizens worldwide from voting in Canadian Federal Elections, making Canada one of the few countries to deny their own citizens the right to vote.

That said, the Courts in Canada have tended to respect the Constitution there, so this too shall pass.

Submission + - Data Store and Spying Laws Found Illegal by EU Court (

WillAffleckUW writes: The EU High Court found the United Kingdom's data retention (and subsequent storage and analysis) and surveillance laws to be illegal throughout the EU, which subsequently would be an argument in courts in Australia and Canada against their own Spy laws. This effectively brings back the Rule of Law that all EU citizens have a Right to Privacy that is at the Bill of Rights level, not an easily short-circuited legal basis.

It is uncertain that this would apply to US spy laws, as a Right of Privacy is only inferred by US high courts and is not written into constitutions as it is in the EU, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Comment Mostly just deniers, but is possible in some ways (Score 1) 195

It is technically possible for one of two things to occur that would create a mini ice age, even if those pushing this are really anti-science global warming deniers.

1. The Alaska to Northern California subduction zone "jumps", triggering massive tsunamis and setting off nearby earthquake unzipping along the Alaska, BC, Washington, Oregon, and Northern California linked fault lines, which could (but most likely would not) cause some of the active volcanoes near this line (like Mount Hood, Mount Rainier, and so on) to activate in full eruption. The resulting atmospheric emissions would cause a mini ice age similar to that during the last mini ice age (also called the Dark Ages).

2. Yellowstone could erupt. If that happens, you have a lot more to worry about, other than the mini ice age that would certainly occur.

That said, those pushing this are really just anti-science global warming deniers, desperate for continuing government subsidies for their dying fossil fuel industries.

Submission + - Netflix hoping for free network access from ISPs (

sabri writes: Netflix soared on Wall Street today after their earnings announcement. They also stated that they hope to get more free network access arrangements (aka "free peering"):

Netflix hopes the Charter peering pledge could serve not only its own interests, but establish an industry-wide practice for internet TV. Hastings said he hopes free peering will spare the emerging industry from the sort of battles that continue to plague the cable TV industry industry, in which stations go dark whenever distributor and content owner haggle over a “retransmission” price.

Some may argue Net neutrality, while others would accuse Netflix of freeloading. What's your take?

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