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Comment Mostly just deniers, but is possible in some ways (Score 1) 195

It is technically possible for one of two things to occur that would create a mini ice age, even if those pushing this are really anti-science global warming deniers.

1. The Alaska to Northern California subduction zone "jumps", triggering massive tsunamis and setting off nearby earthquake unzipping along the Alaska, BC, Washington, Oregon, and Northern California linked fault lines, which could (but most likely would not) cause some of the active volcanoes near this line (like Mount Hood, Mount Rainier, and so on) to activate in full eruption. The resulting atmospheric emissions would cause a mini ice age similar to that during the last mini ice age (also called the Dark Ages).

2. Yellowstone could erupt. If that happens, you have a lot more to worry about, other than the mini ice age that would certainly occur.

That said, those pushing this are really just anti-science global warming deniers, desperate for continuing government subsidies for their dying fossil fuel industries.

Submission + - Netflix hoping for free network access from ISPs (

sabri writes: Netflix soared on Wall Street today after their earnings announcement. They also stated that they hope to get more free network access arrangements (aka "free peering"):

Netflix hopes the Charter peering pledge could serve not only its own interests, but establish an industry-wide practice for internet TV. Hastings said he hopes free peering will spare the emerging industry from the sort of battles that continue to plague the cable TV industry industry, in which stations go dark whenever distributor and content owner haggle over a “retransmission” price.

Some may argue Net neutrality, while others would accuse Netflix of freeloading. What's your take?

Comment Re:I got this one (Score 1) 265

Exactly. We can - and have - changed construction codes so that buildings won't collapse as badly, but anything over an 8.0 will cause 50 percent of all buildings and bridges to collapse and there really is not much you can do about that. Even tsunami risks are mostly about climbing to higher ground or getting on top of the tallest buildings.

Beyond that, while we do have a NOAA alert system now (hosted by the UW as an app for your phone), it's not going to do you much good if half of everything shakes to pieces.

Have a container of water and a whistle in every room. That will be useful, as you can survive a month without food, but only 2-3 days without water.

Comment Re:I can tell you what will happen ... (Score 1) 265

technically that only applies to places on the actual coast. Anywhere in the Puget Sound south of Everett has this giant mountain range called the Olympic Mountains protecting it (you know, the place Twilight movies are located).

At most 1-2 blocks next to the water are vulnerable in the actual Puget Sound, and that's from the Seattle fault itself.

Comment Take home real life messages (Score 2) 265

1. Keep a container of water and a whistle in each room. You can survive a month without food, but only 2-3 days without water.

2. There is not enough airlift to rescue even 1/20th of the injured. Only children in schools will be rescued. If you are in a Deep Bertha Tunnel, you will die there as the power goes out and the fans and pumps stop working.

3. Don't worry about Tsunami risk if you live in the Puget Sound, south of Everett. Unless you live within a block of the ocean. If so, get on the roof.

4. Half of all buildings and bridges will collapse in anything over an 8.0. Nothing we can do about that. You're safer in buildings built since the 90s.

5. Don't you wish you had a solar panel now? That will keep working, even in cloud cover. Enough for a fridge and microwave.

Comment Do you think middle school kids start or react? (Score 1) 727

Just wondering if you think that the vast majority of middle school boys that participate in GamerGate attacks on women gamers are starting this due to perceived peer pressure, or do you think it's a reaction to the hostility towards young women built into movies and certain game types, and is it only because they won't bathe, floss, or brush teeth that they take their anger out on adult gamer women?

Wondering, because neither my son nor I did this, and we've been gamers since middle school, but notice a lot of the GamerGate participants seem to be mostly middle schooler boys.

Comment Re:Corporations are not People (Score 1) 178

OK... I'm going to play Devil's advocate here and ask you a couple questions...

Assume they do just as you say. What do you do with those that violate even that copyright term? You see, today things are copied usually the day they are released or in most cases even before they are released. Just how do you stop that? If you really intend to be fair, until you can answer those you are just blowing smoke.

Easy. Dissolve the corporation and use it's assets to pay off the national debt.

Since corporations aren't people, this seems more than fair.

Comment Corporations are not People (Score 2) 178

Make the copyright only go to the person in 13 year periods, renewable for their life, and with one extension if they have a spouse or children that survive them.

Only allow corporations to rent part of a 13 year period. Forcing them to renegotiate with the living human for each cycle.

Make it so!

Comment Re:Total (Score 1) 264

In the Seattle-Bellevue area "average" wage is driven up by a lot of senior execs pretending to be programmers. Median salary for actual starting employees not counting benefits is what matters, and what you get taxed on.

Just because Bill Gates makes $20 billion doesn't make me a millionaire (even if I am).

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