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Comment Re:Wet Dream (Score 1) 99

I am also aware that some think that Sony should split itself up into two separate companies because of that.

Five, at very least.

And 75 percent of newbies were some second or third worlder

So, it's those people with no money in the Third World that are the threat to Sony. How big do you really believe the threat of Playstation piracy could be? Haven't we been over the actual statistics about piracy in the entertainment industry to be able to drop this notion that piracy is some "existential threat" to the industry? Sony makes a device. A different Sony makes a game. So who really is Sony's customer? The person who buys a Playstation or one of their "strategic partners"?

All you're doing is making my case for Sony being a company that is hostile to the people who buy their products. And their corporate structure and philosophy is what makes them evil. Anyone who does not buy the Sony nameplate is well rid of them. A company that deserved a lot of respect in the 60s, 70s and 80s has now lost all claim on respectability.

Comment progress (Score 2) 97

Aren't you glad that you play games that require connection to Playstation Network?

You know this never happened when people were playing Starcraft on dedicated servers. When you let one company be the nexus for your ability to use an expensive piece of equipment like a Playstation, you have to expect that some days you just won't be able to play the games that you bought.

Comment Loud and clear (Score 2) 329

"Valerie Barr, chair of ACM's Council on Women in Computing (ACM-W), believes the retreat [of women from CS programs] was caused partly by the growth of personal computers."

So, it sounds like women don't go into computer science because they don't like computers.

Alright, that makes sense. I don't like pig shit so I didn't become a hog farmer.

Comment We have always been at war... (Score 1) 18

With over 70% of Americans opposed to any new foreign military action, the war machine has to do something to gin up the next glorious Middle East AIPAC adventure. Defense spending doesn't grow on trees, you know. Well, it does, but sometimes you have to spread a little fertilizer to make those trees grow.

Comment Freecell, Farmville (Score 4, Funny) 276

Do you really want to call anyone who plays Candy Crush on their smartphone a "gamer"?

I mean, if so, then OK. But then you're going to have to find another name for those of us who do speed-runs through Metal Gear Solid whilst blasting death metal and swigging energy drinks.

I mean, besides, "unemployable jackoffs".

Comment Re:Metalocalypse (Score 1) 38


Thank you for turning me on to my new favorite band in all the world.

I don't usually listen to metal, but I do when I'm playing video games. But then, it's essential. How can you go wrong with a band that refers to itself as "Viking Folk-Metal"?

but that volcano is extinct

Sure, that's what they all say. Like a guy telling a girl he's met, "I've had a vasectomy".

Comment Re:Wet Dream (Score 1) 99

So if you hacked your xbox, you could play pirated games, but never online.

As tiny as the effect of piracy is on games, it's shocking how badly the games industry has reacted.

But I guess it's the same thing with movies and TV and music. The industry has over-reacted to the detriment of their paying customers.

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