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Comment Exciting (Score -1, Funny) 39

How exciting to be exploring space with the Mafia Don jerkoff Vladimir Putin. Our country should be ashamed of itself for Obama's shit space program. Base a US combat brigade in Poland. Arm Ukraine to the teeth! Arm Georgia! Seize the Kirils with Japan. Release Gitmo prisoners in Chechnia. Get the CIA busy fomenting a colored revolution in Moscow.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 517

Look at Germany. Solar has made coal and nuclear unprofitable.

That isn't something to be proud of. Solar is, by far, the most expensive way to commercially generate electricity. If solar has made coal and nuclear unprofitable in Germany, you guys are doing something seriously screwy. Germany's sunshine profile is absolutely terrible for solar. The capacity factor (ratio of actual annual generation to generation capacity) you can calculate based on Germany's annual solar power stats is around 0.1, compared to 0.145 for the continental U.S., and 0.185 for the desert southwest U.S. i.e. the same PV panel in the desert southwest U.S. will produce 1.85x as much electricity that it does if located in Germany.

Since there hasn't been some miraculous breakthrough in PV solar production efficiency, the only remaining possibility is that electricity prices in Germany have risen so high that solar has artificially become competitive. And that's precisely what you see. You guys have enacted laws making producing electricity cheaply so difficult, that the price has risen to the point where solar "makes sense."

Comment Re:Really, a single oint of failure? (Score 1) 223

. It takes about six hours to drive from the Aurora center to the Farmington center near Minneapolis, and that's not counting going home and packing for an extended stay.

Drive? Why would they drive that far? It's much quicker to fly.

Well, duuh. All the planes are grounded. How are they supposed to fly? ..... ...or was that a big wooosh?

Comment Re:Big Goverment no backup (Score 1) 223

Is it though feasible to set up the the system so those controllers can go home, login to a VPN and have a nation wide system that they can load their area into and continue work?

And then when some Chinese hacker breaks in and redirects every plane in the country to Newark, you'll be bitching about the stupidity of connecting the air traffic control system to the Internet.

Comment Re:It's the heat that kills LEDs/CFLs (Score 1) 602

LEDs don't throw off more heat than CFLs. That would violate the laws of thermodynamics. It's just that the LEDs themselves are sensitive to the heat generated by their support components, so they must be protected. For CFLs, the light-generating part is not a solid-state component, so it doesn't need protection. The LED and CFL ballasts both generate much (or most) of the heat.

Comment Re:electricity is expensive (Score 1) 602

LEDs are only expensive if your electricity is free.

Clearly not. If my electricity is $0.01/kWh, then it will take 8.5 years just to pay for a $10 LED. Is anyone paying only a penny per kWh? No, but I just refuted your claim. FWIW, I'm paying about $0.10 a kWH-- including the delivery charges, which people forget about-- so it would take me about a year to pay for a $10 LED. A lot of people aren't getting even a year out of theirs, so you can see why they are upset.

Comment Re:bathtub curve applies (Score 1) 602

The mains switch at the panel, or the circuit fuse? If the latter, those LEDs seem to have a dangerous failure mode that causes a short circuit instead of an open. For the former, you have a problem with your service that is due to either power surges or an overload on the amp rating of your service. Either one is a bit unsafe and should be looked into.

Comment Re:I'm sold on LED bulbs... (Score 1) 602

That's the one funny thing I've noticed. Seems like the manufacturers should be slapped with a class-action lawsuit for their rating of CFLs per their equivalents. I've seen ~600 lumen bulbs labeled as "60-watt equivalent". Meanwhile, LEDs seem to be sandbagged; the best LEDs I've purchased so far were at Goodwill for a DOLLAR and even though they said 40-watt equiv, they were as bright as the 60 watt incandescents they replaced.

Comment Re:I dunno about LEDs, but CFLs don't last (Score 1) 602

I can agree that Sylvania makes a good CFL, for a CFL. Philips is OK, and GE is terrible.

Philips look good, but they only seem to last slightly longer than an incandescent. GE bulbs die within a 1,000 hours if they aren't installed screw-down, and many of them have a disgusting pinkish hue at half brightness for the first 30 seconds.

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