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Comment Re:Bigger Danger: AI to Deliver packages (Score 1) 262

On other hand, said robot will cost > $100'000, the person able to maintain it will cost something like $300'000 per year and it will require expensive infrastructure that works. It will certainly "call in sick" and it will certainly not work 24/7. You have a romanticized idea of the reliability of machines.

Comment Re:The Less You know, The More Scared You Are (Score 1) 262

Understanding why we may never have strong AI (i.e. as dumb as an average human), requires actual insights into the the subject matter on a level you cannot acquire in a year or two. It requires much more. None of these peoples even have the basics. They are speculating without understanding of the known facts. These facts currently mainly strongly hint that the human brain cannot actually do what it seems to doing. Sure, there have been a few clever fakes of strong AI, but if you remember how utterly lost and without understanding Watson was at the Jeopardy questions it could not answer, you know that there is not even a tiny spark of intelligence to be had by means of technology these days.

Comment Re:Really, arguing the impossibility of AI? (Score 1) 262

We do not actually have that example. We cannot observe minds working, we can only see the interface. And we get this observation only together with the observation of free will and consciousness. Especially the latter is not understood at all. Incidentally, we cannot describe what intelligence is, only what it can do.

So, no, the making of a mechanical observation and later mechanical reproduction has absolutely no meaning for the feasibility of strong AI.

Comment Re:Carl Sagan said it best.... (Score 1) 262

As there is not even conventional evidence at this time that strong AI (i.e. only as dumb as the average human) will ever be feasible (in fact there are not even good indicators, but a lot of negative ones), this AI panic has exactly no basis and those participating in it are either greedy for the publicity or are not smart enough to understand the issue (or have not even bothered to try).

This is a complete non-issue.

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