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Comment Re:I take exception to the term "mistake" (Score 1) 498

Oh yeah, it is. But I was just taking the title from the original article. They most likely used "mistake" because there have not been any cases filed yet and they don't want to get hit with a suit for libel. Kinda like how most news articles about criminal trials refer to the defendant as allegedly committing a crime up until they are convicted. The news story stinks to high heaven of fraud and negligence but until the story gets told in a courtroom the press kinda has to use neutral terms like mistake and such.

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Submission + - SFPD Breathalyzer Error Puts Hundreds Of DUI Convictions In Doubt ( 1

Mr. Shotgun writes:

Hundreds, or even thousands, of drunk driving convictions could be overturned because the San Francisco Police Department has not tested its breathalyzers, officials said Monday. For at least six years, the police officers in charge of testing the 20 breathalyzers used by the Police Department did not carry out any tests on the equipment. Officers instead filled the test forms with numbers that matched the control sample, said Public Defender Jeff Adachi, throwing countless DUI convictions into doubt.

Apparently this has happened before.

Comment Re:Issue for me is pattern recognition. (Score 1) 204

Over the years, I seem to have trained my brain to seek out patterns in everything I encounter. This makes sleeping rough as any back ground noise resembling human speech causes me to become fully alert as my brain tries to make sense of what it heard. Only solution to this I've found is a good white noise generator that operates on the same frequency patterns as speech.

I had that problem too, best thing i've found is to just get a small fan. Loud enough to drown out most background noise like conversations and walking yet not loud enough to keep you awake.

Comment Re:Their only crime was curiosity (psych!) (Score 2) 387

This is probably very British of me but my immediate internal response to this was "150 year old castles? Leeds has a shopping centre that's over 100 years old!"

The difference between America and England is, the Americans think 100 years is a long time and the English think 100 miles (160.93 Km) is a long distance.
Not sure who originally said it but it seemed relevent.

Comment Re:Depends how it is funded. (Score 3, Funny) 583

So... people go out to the moon, and develop violent tendencies towards their elected officials? Where I'm from, that's called "terrorism".

You heard it here folks, proof positive that the moon causes terrorism. A well respected astronaut comes back from the moon and starts threatening government officials? And who could forget the mooninite terror attacks of 2007? It is obvious to anyone that the moon supports terrorism. I call on the president to destroy the moon, there can be no negotiations. Their invaders openly mock us with a middle finger, and they brain wash our peaceful ambassadors into terrorism like the good Edgar Mitchell mentioned above. I urge my fellow slashdotters to contact their congressmen and urge them to declare war on the moon, it's for our children's sake.

Comment Re:We can have manufacturing here (Score 1) 630

Presumably his point was that he wanted to build factories in the US, but regulations and unnecessary costs prevented him.

Yeah, regulations like sane labor laws and costs such as a livable wage. Source. I'm sorry but if apples vision of a ideal work force is one where they can stack employees 8-10 to a room in on site dormitories, roust 8000 of them in the middle of a night and pay them $1.41 an hour, then they can keep that vision. There may be some areas where US manufacturing can improve, but laws forcing companies to treat their employees as human beings is not one of them.

Comment Re:Gruman again? (Score 1) 348

Yeah, Gruman writes an article for Infoworld lashing out at IT, then submits it to Slashdot in order to rile up the IT folks who read here. Like some sort of troll, or just hoping to get more page views for his article. I suppose we will be seeing more of these next week with his supposed "insight". Though I hope people don't bother to read the article, it's what he wants and they are probably gonna be disappointed.

Comment Re:yes (Score 1) 328

A rebuttal to your money can't buy happiness notion. While it is true that other things are important in life, having a baseline amount of money to afford the necessities such as food, rent, and utilities will damn sure make you much more likely to be happy. For a disturbing amount of people in the US (about 46 million), they face a choice between paying the rent or paying the utilities.

So go on and tell them money doesn't buy happiness when they are being evicted, or sitting in the dark because the power was shut off for non-payment. I am sure they may have a few choice words of wisdom to reply back.

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