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Comment Re:How hard can that possibly be? (Score 5, Insightful) 663

There do not appear to be any coins in the cup. It appears to be full of liquid with the internal liquid level line.
There is a number 6 under the cup, it does not say 6 coins. Why would there be coins in cap anyways? You put liquid in cup.

"Find the missing part?" is a bad question. If anything it should ask about coins, not parts.
There are no parts missing all the coins are whole so is the cup.

The whole thing is not clear and misleading.

You are assuming the question is asking about the sum of coins. That is not indicated by the question.
Having to make assumptions about a question is very very wrong when it is not a written test where one can explain the assumptions one has to add to a question.

Comment Life In Alberta (Score 2) 444

“It’s jokingly been said by some people that we’ll eventually become the grape producers of America.”

The Good:
One of the ways this is measured is through the boundary for corn heat units, which measures where corn can be grown in the province. The northern boundary for these units has moved up a couple hundred kilometres since the 1910s, and it’s advanced about 50 kilometres since the 1940s.

The Bad:
His county was flooded four years ago, but he didn’t get any rain at all in July or August of 2012. “You can go from one wet year to extremely dry with no gradual buildup. Basically you just get hit with it and you have to survive it,” he says. “Nothing is consistent anymore. You think you have things figured out and then it throws a loop at you to say to you, ‘No, you don’t.’

Follow The Money:
agriculture-oriented investment funds have taken an increased interest in Canadian farmland?

Comment What are you doing? (Score 3, Informative) 465

What do you mean by scientific computing?

Modelling: Hard core finite element simulations or the like. Then C or Fortran and you will be linking with the math libraries.
Log Processing: A lot of other stuff you will be parsing data logs and doing statistics. So perl or python then octive.
Data Mining: Python or other SQL front end.

Comment Re:What can a home server be used for (Score 1) 169

My point is that the internet is more than a replacement for Cable TV. It can be so much more if we use it for all that it can do. And the ISP's are limiting the ability to expand the functionality of the internet by limiting its uses which means business are not going to start up supporting the other functions.

Comment What can a home server be used for (Score 1) 169

These are all potential applications that could be enabled by Home Server Applications. These require good security. But "Why can't we make secure apps?". And yes you can do all this now. It is just not as easy as it could be.

a) Why can't I have my own "facebook" Why do my pictures have to be uploaded to a webserver with dubious terms of use that are subject to modification at any time. My own server would allow access only to my friends and totally controll my content among that group.
b) Google Drive, without the Google. Again why does it have to pass through a 3rd party
c) Monitoring aging parents. Souped up home security server system (which itself is outlawed by the no server). Can I check the fridge. Have they taken medications ...
d) run your own Game Server. New machines should easily be able to run 5-10 and even 40 player real time games. Again why do I need a 3rd party host.

There are likely to be a host of others that become available. The issue is not security. The issue is "monetization" in that the home server removes the third part and "profit" from the loop.

Comment Re:Sensitive Data comes in different types (Score 1) 527

The more "people" who have the keys, the more likely they will get snagged by some source that should not have them.
Also if the FBI has keys to BankA, BankB, BankC ..... The FBI becomes a very high value target. And human hacking can be a lot easier than electronic hacking to get things like that.

Comment Re:School == Copying (Score 2) 356

But what they are teaching is safe IP. So on everything presented I am required to ask
a) where did you get this, did you have the rights to access that
b) provide ownership rights traceable back to the original author and sworn statements that the original author did not copy it from someone one
I can't just assume because of the setting that it is ok. I can't just assume that their simple statement that it is ok is enough. I need authenticated documents on everything. I can't assume that what they presented yesterday applies to today.

The whole system is stupid.

Comment Re:School == Copying (Score 3, Insightful) 356

Yes you are told to write what you see on the board. But did the teacher copy that from somewhere. Did they have a performance license is it transferable?

If asked to read from a book does the student have to get a performance license first or enquire about the existence of such? Does the teacher have a performance license to read from a book. Does the school have a license to play the recording of the national anthem in the morning?
When passed a test the student should refuse to do anything until the teacher either asserts that the creation of the test was original work and that the copy thus produced was allowed or provide a certified copy of licensing agreement allowing the reproduction of question from the book onto the test.

And you expect grade school kids to catch onto this? Some of them will talk to parents and latch on to things do stuff like the above and drive the whole process to a standstill. Are you going to have the teachers say "we don't worry about that in the class room", if word of that gets out the parent calls the school and reports the teacher.

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