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Comment Re:This is the wrong attitude (Score 1) 115

The Executive branch's job is to represent the operations of the State.

Yes - in the interests of the populace.

The notion that only legislative branch represents the citizenry is bullshit. They are all supposed to represent us, just in different aspects (largely to prevent them from colluding).

Comment Re:Screens too small for Windows (Score 1) 182

I got to work on a guy's Surface tablet a couple days ago. While it was nice and very fast, every time I had to do something on the desktop, it was like trying to read the fine print on a TV commercial.

Since Win8, Windows has DPI scaling on the desktop that actually works (actually it was mostly working in Win7 already, but 8 and 8.1 polished it further).

Surface, in particular, scales everything to 150% by default, if I remember correctly. The text on mine is about the same size as on the desktop. Of course, this means that not quite as many things fit, so some people manually change the setting back to 100%, making everything tiny, but fitting more onto the screen. That guy whom you know must have done that.

Comment Re:Sigh.... (Score 1) 644

Tiles in the desktop case are not so much for launching as for widget-like functionality - presenting data at a glance. If you don't need them, you can just remove them all and end up with a clean Start menu that just has the app list.

Comment Re:Unified Experience Across Devices (Score 1) 644

Windows 8 was unified experience for all devices, so long as by "unified" you meant "behaves like a tablet".

This is an unified experience in a sense of the same app running on all platforms from phone to tablet to desktop, and with some UI notions that are meaningful across all devices working everywhere (e.g. a live tile behaves the same on phone/tablet start screen, or in the desktop start menu), while also recognizing that, no, not every device is a tablet, and so many things have to be tailored to the device in question - such as the return of Start menu, and the ability to run store apps in windows, on the desktop.

Comment Re:Catching up with Fedora (Score 4, Informative) 644

Yes, terseness. Have you heard of this fancy thing called "aliases"? Powershell has quite a few out of the box. For example, "Get-ChildItem" is aliased to... "ls". And "Set-Location" is aliased to "cd". And "Get-Helped" is aliased to "man". And aliases work everywhere, so "man ls" works exactly as you'd expect it to.

On the other hand, when you have no clue of what a particular command might be to do something that you need done, your chances of guessing it in PSh are much higher, because the canonical names are descriptive rather than terse.

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