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Comment Dead? (Score 5, Insightful) 110

"The Wintel cartel appears to be well and truly dead

We're in the process of revamping my company's IT infrastructure: About 30 Wintel PC's, 3 Wintel Servers, and 0 *pads.

Unfortunately for my company's employees, we don't make money from watching Netflix or playing whatever this week's hot game is on tablets. We have to do work to earn money, and we can't do work on tablets or phones.

Comment Re:They're getting desperate (Score 0) 578

Hopefully people have finally gotten the message and aren't handing over their money to private companies just because the government says you have to.

Why are you "hopeful" that people are not buying health insurance, and instead paying the tax penalties and living without health care? Sociopath, maybe?

Comment Re:I went back to corporate America because Obamac (Score 1, Troll) 578

was on my own with a full-time consultancy, but I scaled it back to off-hours and went back to a forty-hour-a-week corporate job for the health insurance.

I call bullshit. You had a "full-time consultancy" but couldn't afford a few hundred bucks a month for health care? Right.

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