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Comment Biking to work (Score 1) 646

According to the risk data, taking a bike to work INCREASES your risk of violent death on the road, but DECREASES your risk of death from coronary heart disease, et cetera. It turns out that, for all but the most reckless and foolish cyclists, the improved health benefits outweigh the increased risk of violent death, by a large margin. In other words, if you are the sort of cyclist who often rides the wrong way against traffic, in dark clothing at night without a light, runs stop signs, and otherwise does everything WRONG, your average lifespan will be shortened. For all other cyclists, despite the slightly elevated risk of violent death on the roads, the health benefits of cycling will increase your average lifespan.

Incidentally, the best thing a cyclist can do to become safe is to sometimes ride with an organized cycle club. The riding habits this will instill reduces your death-per-distance-traveled risk rate below that of the average car driver. This is based on AMA data collected as part of a 20 year study.

Comment COINTELRPO tecniqueused on JUST NOW on THIS thread (Score 5, Interesting) 211

If you take a quick look at The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies you can observe that Technique #1, Forum Sliding, was just used on the Slashdot front page to obscure this NSA-related discussion thread. Note how lots and lots of semi-bogus new stories quickly appeared, causing this [mildly objectionable] story to slide off the front page.

Comment Re:I would bet they have data on him... (Score 2) 211

What you describe is a standard COINTELPRO technique used to stifle dissent. See "The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies", which our very own Slashdot editors have seen fit to repeatedly censor when I tried to post it. If you doubt that, Slashdot readers, try to post that story yourself to slashdot or another favorite online forum, and see what happens..

Comment NSA Cryptanalysis tools (Score 2) 211

even the NSA doesn't have to power to decrypt the volume of a fraction of the populations communication if they were to use crypto regularly

You would be wrong on this one. The NSA has had access to quantum computation since about 1996. This allows it to cut through public key cryptography as if it's not there, quickly and with ease. AES generally uses public key cryptography to exchange session keys. See my other posts for details.

Comment Editors: This is an Astroturf story (Score 1) 1

This story is 100% astroturf. This is a bought-and-paid-for story. It's not real. It's based on lies. The entire "USA will soon be energy independent due to new technology allowing access to previously off-limits fossil fuels" meme is a false story being pushed on us by well funded special interests. There are no facts to back up the meme. It is a false meme being foisted on us in order to mislead and confuse the public. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Many similarly astroturfed stories have recently been posted to Slashdot. I doubt the integrity of some of the editors. Please don't publish this utter-garbage story that is being paid for by big business in order to mislead the public. Thus speaks the Energyscholar. I am a Physicist specialized in global energy resources. This story is basically one big well-funded lie.

Comment Editors: is this Astroturf? (Score 1) 3

This might be a legitimate post, but it sure feels like an astroturf post by a consultant hired by ADM or Monsanto. I suppose it's good to discredit irrational fear of GM products, but what about the perfectly rational concerns of well informed individuals? GM food in itself is ethically neutral, but the purpose for which GM techniques are typically applied (e.g. seedless crops) are downright evil. I would opt against posting this story, but it's (just barely) worthy of consideration.

Submission + - The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies ( 2

EnergyScholar writes: "This recently leaked document describes modern COINTELPRO techniques for manipulating Internet forums. Observant readers may have noticed these techniques being used in familiar online forums. Part of modern media literacy includes understanding these techniques. This document contains information about:
1. COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum
2. Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
3. Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
4. How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent)
5. Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression"

Submission + - The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies ( 1

EnergyScholar writes: "Modern COINTELPRO is largely about controlling Internet discussions, through fair means or foul. This leaked document describes some of the standard techniques spies use to manipulate Internet discussion groups. Observant readers may have spotted some of these techniques being used to manipulate the Slashdot crowd. This author certainly has. Knowledge is Power! Forewarned is Forearmed! The article discusses these points:

1. COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum
2. Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
3. Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
4. How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent)
5. Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression"

Comment To the editors: this is an obvious Astroturf post (Score 1) 2

Hi Editors-

Whomever posted this article is astroturfing. This author is aware of a paid campaign by hydraulic fracking companies to manipulate the media regarding hydraulic fracking. This article, and the person who tried to post it, is an OBVIOUS astroturf attempt. Editors, I suggest you put a black mark by the user trying to post this bogus-science article, and be very suspicious of anything else they try to post. I am a Physicist specialized in global energy resource resource issues, which is how I know that this article is a pack of lies and deceptions. Probably a well financed pack of lies and deceptions. The person trying to post this article must surely be a paid agent of the hydraulic fracking companies.

Regards, Energyscholar

Comment Notice the "Perception management" lies (Score 1) 513

Yahoo is currently running this Reuters article, in which we are told quite the assortment of lies about US spy agency operations. The spokesman expresses acute concern about respecting the privacy of US Citizens, and claims that US Spy Agencies do not spy on US Citizens except as absolutely needed for anti-terrorism operations. Wow, what a pack of lies!

I wish to, once again, remind readers about ECHELON, the UK/USA global signals intelligence system. We already know, from numerous leaks that have occurred over the years, that the USA intercepts all the electronic communications it can get at, regardless of whether or not it involves US citizens. We already know that the NSA avoids its prohibition on spying on US citizens by swapping data with non-US spy agencies that are allowed to spy on US citizens (e.g. MI6). So, please, don't be fooled by the outright lies and disinformation currently spewing from the marketing wing of US Cyber-command. They see everything, they examine everything.

Note that NSA et al can penetrate public key encryption via the QC system they have had online since the late 1990s, so any PKI-based cryptography tool is transparent to Five Eyes. I'd like to suggest one excellent truly open-source encryption tool which, while it is not perfect, probably renders your actual words opaque to ECHELON.

Comment Re:Already done (Score 1) 88

Oops, sorry, technical correction. Not ANY encryption, only encryption based upon principles that can be cracked via QC. Thus, for example, PKI encryption falls instantly, but 3DES is not vulnerable. Of course, if your communication system uses PKI to exchange the secret keys for 3DES, as is standard, then you are hosed.

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