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Comment Re:It Remains a Journalism Scandal. Deal With It. (Score 1) 716

And it's cute how you're being led around by the nose thinking that the "journalistic ethics" in question are actually a thing, when that campaign is bullshit being used as cover by the trolls for their real goal.

Hint - when you make up bullshit about your ex-girlfriend, that's the opposite of "ethics".

Comment Re:It Remains a Journalism Scandal. Deal With It. (Score 1) 716

If by "revealed she slept with reviewers", you really mean "had some bullshit made up by her ex-boyfriend that was taken as truth by a bunch of total fucking morons", then yeah, that's pretty much what happened.

One of the people they said she slept with to get reviews, didn't even review the game. But hey, this is about "ethics". Facts and truth have no place in a mob running around screaming "ethics!!!!"

Comment Re:BULLSHIT.. Gamergate needs a real explanation (Score 1) 716

It's pretty amazing how this "movement" can be so many things, have no clear goals, no leadership, no objective, and is somehow magically immune from responsibility for everything people do in it's name.

Sorry, but no. GamerGate is total bullshit, founded on already disproven lies and mysognistic assholes. If you're in for that, you are what's wrong with society.

Submission + - Why The Time Is Always Set To 9:41 In Apple Ads (

jones_supa writes: If you have looked carefully, the clock has traditionally been always set to 9:42 in Apple advertisements. You could see it across various commercials, print ads, and even on Apple's website. The explanation is simple: That's the time in the morning that Steve Jobs announced the very first iPhone in 2007. Around 42 minutes into his keynote address he said "Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone." The picture of the phone was carefully scheduled to pop up at that moment. "We design the keynotes so that the big reveal of the product happens around 40 minutes into the presentation", Apple's Scott Forstall confirms. The time was even slightly tweaked in 2010, when the very first iPad was released, so that when it was revealed, it displayed a different time: 9:41.

Comment Re:Ethics in journalism (Score 2, Insightful) 724

Umm, you do know that all that stuff about the woman you won't name was made up by her ex-boyfriend, right?

Now there's a credible source of "journalism" if I ever heard one!

Gamergate is a smear campaign based entirely on lies and bullshit, used as a shield to protect a bunch of people who really don't like the woman behind those Feminist Frequency videos. Nothing more.

Comment Yes (Score 3, Interesting) 504

I put it on my iPad 3 and it's noticeably slower. The big thing I'm seeing now that I never saw before is typing lag. That is annoying. I've also seen extra delay in some cases with the screen realizing it needs to rotate, and a bug in one specific app with keys on the keyboard disappearing entirely. On the performance end it's not that impressive in any way.

That said, having extensions in Safari has been nice, keyboard swapping is handy, and the family sharing feature is really great. So I'm not going to be rushing to roll it back, but I really don't understand how simple things like typing could get so much slower on the same hardware.

Comment Betteridge's Law of Headlines is true again (Score 3, Insightful) 112

This has nothing to do with open source at all. An organization closed down a unit, and got rid of some projects. That happens pretty much every day in the private sector and in the closed source world. What makes open source special in this regard. Do you expect them to keep supporting things forever even when the organization doesn't want to anymore?

The only difference is that with open source, someone could take that code and keep working on it, if they wanted to. That's it. The rest of this has nothing to do with open source at all and is just a flagrant attempt at drumming up controversy by asking a bullshit question in the headline.

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