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Comment Re:Witch-Hunt. Right. (Score 1) 330

What to do about it is easy.

We have to replace coal fired power plants with nuclear ones. All other technological options are not ready to start solving the problem (at the scales needed) right now.

I am actually frustrated that there is not a nuclear plant being built now near my city. I live in a very sparsely populated area that is geologically stable. We already have much of the power infrastructure in place for windmills and a natural gas power plant. Nuclear would be a sensible addition and expansion.

If you say you want to solve global warming and you say that we can't build nuclear power plants, you're a hypocrite.

Ironically the same people the argue with "deniers" about the problem argue against nuclear as part of the solution. So switching to working on the solution actually doesn't end the argument, it just creates a reactionary hypocrisy that makes your head hurt.

Comment Re:Meteor Impact! (Score 2) 784

This line of reasoning always makes me fee a bit uneasy. What if we do all the hard work of fixing the climate, only to get hit by an asteroid and have it all go to shit anyway?

I mean really, it'd be global scale Murphy's law to fix the climate and then get hit.

But in all seriousness, it does bother me to see near Earth asteroid detection projects loose funding, IMHO they are as important as climate change projects.

Comment Re: It Is Not Politics (Score 2) 661

You got one thing right. The state is evil. And by state I mean the government itself, not Wyoming per se.

If, in order to solve this problem, the liberty and freedom of the people in Wyoming to run their own lives and government needs to be sacrificed, then I will never agree with your "solution" to this problem.

If we must give our liberty in order to survive, then count me as your enemy. What good is life without liberty?

Oh and your all powerful government you require to solve this problem, if it's at all like all the all powerful governments that have come before, it'll have to destroy the environment in order to save it.

Comment Re: Undefined (Score 1) 800

And here is the greatest irony. Self-driving cars, if widely adopted, will save THOUSANDS of lives, but its the edge cases like this that will slow our ability to have this new technology because lawyers are salivating at the potential to sue Google because a tiny number of their autonomous cars will face unavoidable crashes.

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