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Comment Re: Really? (Score 1) 143

We know from their idea of slavery from texts and it was pretty much people as property of state and individuals.

Massacres and genocides too.

The point is though that the slave had no say in the matter of playing the flute and got told that they succ, but that of course could be narrative of whoever wrote the text either to make him sound like an ahole or as we would say now being hyper based.

Comment Re:No Posts (Score 1) 100

Keyword searches and logical menu hierarchies are not mutually exclusive. You don't have to make menu navigation worse so you can search.

That entirely depends on if the manager of the programmer can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time. Hyper focus leads to great specific results but absolutely terrible general results.

Comment Re:Formative (Score 1) 106

My first computer was a ZX Spectrum, and I did a lot of programming in its BASIC.

My first computer was a TI 994/A. I wrote a primitive Pac Man game with one ghost in it. It took all 4k of RAM to hold and run. Saving and loading it via audio cassette.

It also somewhat negatively affected my thought processes. Pointers were MUCH harder than they needed to be after my experience with BASIC.

Comment Re:Hey, Google... (Score 1) 98

Here's a question: when was the last time Abbott crowed about any employer being fined or even jailed for hiring illegals?

Is this a trick question? The answer is never. The reason is that he would lose support (and likely friends) if he prosecuted any of them. The more of a ruckus he creates about "illegal aliens", the cheaper the labor gets. That is why there is a ruckus at all. They want slavery back so very badly.

Comment Re:Hey, Google... (Score 1) 98

How about you train-up some American talent? Go to high schools, like the car makers used to, pick the most talented / gifted / hardworking students, and see if you can make something of them?

Training them is someone else's job. Let someone else pay to find out if the person can be useful or not. India has people pre-made for companies like Google so of course they will get their employees from there. It is a global market of (but not for) labor.

Comment Re:W11 is the enshiitification of W10 (Score 1) 155

Otherwise they will be blamed for the advent of the biggest, baddest botnet ever seen.

Why would Microsoft care? They left you an option, you chose not avail yourself of it. It is only $200. Dig around in your couch cushions or take the blame.

What are you going to do? Sue Microsoft? ROFL. Go to a competing operating system? ROFLMAO.

No, if the worlds largest botnet becomes a reality, the blame will be placed squarely on YOU.

Comment Re:who cares about debt? (Score 1) 251

Listen, the debt is not tied to expenditure. The US government at least can just spend whatever it wants without consideration for tax receipts or incurred debt

Bro, you have lived with "funny money" too long. Money is a representation of work. Everything works fine with money until you start fluidly redefining what money means. Once you do that, people start saying stupid shit like "The US government at least can just spend whatever it wants without consideration for tax receipts or incurred debt".

They can "appear" to do that as long as they control the definition of money... but, eventually, the accounting comes due. If you do not have the resources when the timer hits zero, it all collapses. The timer has been manipulated a lot, but it can not be manipulated forever. Eventually, the dollar will have to show its value or everything built on the dollar will collapse.

Comment Re:Sinclair is quite credible IMHO. (Score 1) 88

Intermitten fasting, NMN (said vitamin B), red-light therapy, regular daily excersize, paleo diet and a few other things combined appear to do wonders in age reversal and restoration of cognitive ability, eye-sight and even hair-color.

Intermittent fasting:
Having food in your gut all the time means your body is in permanent digestion mode which limits your abilities to exercise and give 100% effort. Let your stomach empty sometimes. It feels great. You will not starve to death.

NMN (said vitamin B):
I have no idea what NMN is, but Vitamin B makes a difference in cognitive abilities. (don't use me as an example!)

red-light therapy:
No idea what this is. Red light is easier on the eyes at night. *shrug*

regular daily excersize:
Why does exercise seem misspelled? Regardless, this one is obvious in its benefits. If you don't move, you arteries and veins and muscles all become useless.

paleo diet:
Staying away from processed carbohydrates with fillers and HFCS will do absolute wonders for your weight and energy levels. Stop eating garbage... but you don't have to go paleo, just stop eating garbage.

Long story short, all of these things are absolutely wonderful for your health. They reverse aging exactly zero. Don't believe the bullshit even if you do feel younger after engaging in all of this stuff.

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