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Comment Re:How does that compare (Score 1) 61

The question is about the control sample. These names selected for being close to "" got X hits in Y time. We know that there are bots constantly scanning for vulnerabilities, and a new domain registration might get you on the list; what is the expected number of hits in Y time for a typical domain?

Comment Re:Actually, that's mostly lacking perspective. (Score 1) 222

Correcting for the number of vaccination centers isn't going to produce much better numbers. A country with low population density would be expected to utilize more centers serving fewer people, while a dense area or one with strong public transit will use fewer centers with more people per center.

The correct way to look at the numbers, as it has been through the entire pandemic, is per capita. When comparing two strategies, be they bounded by nation, province, or arbitrary experimental group, divide in the population and *boom* apples to apples.

Comment Re: NASA Needs to Modernize (Score 4, Insightful) 112

Have they actually demonstrated the capability to build new RS-25's? So far as I know, all testing to date has been using museum pieces. They could be flying crazy alien rockets from Area 51, but it still wouldn't mean anything without the tooling to build new ones if they're flying them on expendable boosters.

Comment Re: Stasi (Score 1) 129

No, a pharmacist's job is to distribute medication, applying their training to assemble the correct dosage, ensure instructions for correct use are provided, check for interactions, etc. From the pharmacist's perspective, drug laws are just an inconvenience we've put in the way of getting the correct drugs to patients out of some puritanical frustration over people being happy.

Comment Re:Tesla Issues (Score 1) 140

Part of the reason why the real "could truly replace your gas car" EVs are all in the luxury segment is to support the cost of the batteries. To exist in that segment, though, you need to include a bunch of whiz-bang features. But since so much of the sticker price goes into the battery, there's not much left to do a good job on those features, let alone spend extra labor on fit and finish.

So, there exist luxury cars which are poorly built or unreliable, but there are systemic reasons why a greater proportion of electric cars are like that.

Comment Re:Monopoly (Score 1) 54

In what way is there a monopoly going on here? If anything, this product is at a disadvantage from being owned by Facebook. It's similar to how a lot of Sony A/V equipment suffers not because they can't make great gear, but because their corporate siblings in the record and movie industries have the internal pull to ruin them.

Comment Re:Banks always had the ability to hold the keys (Score 1) 50

Came here to say this! I will never cease to be amazed at how people go through all the trouble of using a decentralized cryptocurrency, only to turn it over to a centralized management service. If the bank is doing anything more than providing physical storage of the HDD/QR code/whatever containing your private key, you might as well just use dollars/euros/etc.

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