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Comment Re:ANDROID != LINUX (Score 1) 487

Don't believe.

There is NO Posix userspace on Android. Posix kernel land is locked/limited.

Why does it take 16 GB RAM to compile the Android tarball? That's some BEAUTIFUL community inclusion!

Are there dev machines that have less than 16GB? Curious, is all.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 769

Anyone who introduces water at or above[1] boiling point to coffee grounds is doing it wrong. (91-96C is preferred range)

[1] yes, it can be introduced above boiling point, since espresso makers can use boilers. And the boiler temp can be above boiling point, since the path to the group head tends to cool the water somewhat.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 769

Espresso (including pod) machines make a single cup. The downside for pods is that the coffee is pre-ground. (and stale) The upside is convenience. How much you want to pay for the convenience of not grinding your own coffee per shot is up to you. It certainly isn't a time issue, I can grind and 'shoot' an espresso in less than a minute, try getting close to that with a conventional drip/press/whatever brew. (yes the boiler element is running continuously under PID control)

Comment Re: I don't get it. (Score 1) 362

They need to tax middle income more. That's where most of the money is. If you taxed 100% of income of the 1% you still wouldn't have enough. Realise that when you say tax rich people more, you are including yourself in that. When you're quite happy saying "tax me more" then we can go forward.

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