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Comment Re:Kind of innevitable and entirely reasonable (Score 1) 297

I can tell you now that the government of Denmark spends a lot higher percentage of it's spending on PRODUCTIVE pusuits, rather than warfare and playing world police.
Have you ever sat down and thought that perhaps the reason Denmark doesn't play world police is b/c somebody has already stepped up and taken care of that? Or do you naively believe that the UN has helped prevent wars of conquest by providing a forum to allow nations to talk to each other?

Comment Re:One Falsity Replaced with Another (Score 1) 542

Kosbots in full effect. The parent Got to wonder about an article that starts out this way. Grant you, I haven't gone back and reviewed the video in a while. Still, I'm pretty sure what he said was that about 47% of the population wouldn't be interested in him and a platform for a smaller government.
Replace smaller govt w/ lower taxes and it is precisely with Mitt Romney said. As for Obama dismissing a portion of the American people, how's this for a Citation?

Comment Re:How is this tech and wtf is this doing on Slash (Score 1) 164

This is doubly so for America as you add in the Democrats knowing damned well that no matter how justified an intervention is they will be tarred even more by Republicans claiming it was simply warmongering (see Libya).
Yes, that great Republican Dennis Kucinich had constitutional objections. But that's okay we're "rushing to war" in Syrian, but since there is a Democratic president it will all turn out OK.

Comment Re:European Magic (Score 3, Informative) 431

but regulations require a certain amount of ethanol to be blended into the real-world gasoline supply ... and this drastically hurts efficiency. Except it doesn't have to.
Yes, yes it does. Gasoline ~34.2 MJ/L; E10~33.18(~3% less); E85~26.5. Ethanol has less energy per liter, so if you have to add it to your fuel, you will get fewer MPGs.

Comment Re:Chaotic good. (Score 2) 491

I found where Obama said "He broke the law." and if you think answering a reporters questions at a dinner reception is command influence, you're out of touch with reality.
And if you think any constitutional lawyer worth his salt would not be smart enough when asked such a question to say,"Hey, I don't comment on investigations esp. military ones to avoid creating the appearance of bias." you're out of touch with reality.

Comment Re:life-saving device for cycling (Score 1) 325

Permanent recording could be a safety feature for cyclists. It would make road hooligans less enthusiastic as an HD video of an accident could be played later in a judicial assembly.
Only if the glasses could automatically detonate when a cyclist blasts past a stop sign without stopping.

Comment Re:How does this account for those who change part (Score 1) 758

, the conservatives have been throwing their stalwarts (Arlen Spector, John McCain, and now Chuck Hagel, et al)
Stalwart, not how I would describe a former Democrat, the guy everybody in Washington would go to for a quote from a Republican to bad mouth other Republicans, and the dude who lost his shit about the surge, and doesn't have the courage to admit he lost his shit. +5 insightful, I think not.

Comment Re:Like it or not, Samsung is Android (Score 1) 229

Well really there are three Androids now: 1) Amazon 2) Samsung 3) Everyone else
Which ever one of those vendors fixes the bluetooth stack in 4.2.1 to work w/ my in car audio gets my business, I have no need for 8-12 tiles/windows, but I do need for shit that wasn't broken to remain not broken going forward.

Comment Re:America's response. (Score 1) 57

easily-distracted and short-memoried as the average USAian.
The term is American, see later you use the word America ...America's evil history to name the nation you are talking about, ergo the term to describe people from that nation is American.
America's evil history of toppling peaceful regimes, undermining democracies, assassinating legitimate heads of state,
Oliver Stone, is that you?I love your revisionist history show on Showtime, haven't laughed that hard in weeks.

Comment Re:Anyone hungry? (Score 1) 419

his does not damage engines, but assuming it is done (and with bio-ethanol) it does put a 5 or 10% dent in the CO2 production.
Actually, since E10 has less energy density than straight gasoline(33.2 MJ/L vs 34.2) you would use more to get the same amount of work(E85 is even worse @ 25.7 MJ/L) so your CO2 may not be lowered by as much as you would hope.

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