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Comment Re:Go for it (Score 1) 43

launched a war against a sovereign nation thousands of miles away

I guess that's somewhat interesting from a logistical standpoint. And the regional politics of the Great Satan helping out the Saudis have some fun nuance. "Bush believed he was doing the right thing" is probably trivially true, but, again, omits an awful lot of Shiite/Sunni developments.
Which is, again, not meant as anything sort of an apologist play for W. And you can keep the brother, too.

Comment Go for it (Score 1) 43

If anyone's knowledge of history and sense of proportion is so bad as to even put GWB on this list, then go full tilt boogie and say he's worse than the rest, combined.
I'm not here to accuse GWB of being some kind of saint--he was another brick in the wall of Progressive decline, in my opinion--but I've really lost interest in trying to communicate with the kind of idiots who would juxtapose GWB and Adolf. Or Barack and Adolf, for that matter. It's so stupid, I can't even

Comment Too damn complicated (Score 4, Insightful) 113

It's too damn complicated for level 1 techs, let alone end users and the general public, to attempt to opt of surveillance, or even intelligently express their dissatisfaction with government and corporate policies.

Politicians don't care and corporations do. These policies will persist until people's lives are strongly negatively affected. Will it require significant damage as a result of foreign powers hacking into the industrial grid? Probably. God knows we aren't in the streets protesting TSA security theater, and its difficult to get more privacy invasive than seeing folks naked.

Comment Power to the blamers! (Score 1, Insightful) 295

Power to the blamers! There is far too much power to be garnered from inflaming (occasionally real, but often wholly manufactured) biases.
But things like the Rolling Stone UVA rape hoax, global warming, GamerGate, &c have blown the lid off what a bunch of cheap hucksters the Grievance Industrial Complex are.
Go back to hell and stay there, creeps.

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