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Comment Re:Obvious really (Score 1) 676

People do not consistently act in their self interest. In fact, most of the time they don't: smoking cigarettes and using heroin are obvious examples of serving someone else's interests.

Note that nowhere was it stated that people acted in their LONG TERM self-interest. Getting high and/or feeling good right now may be short-term self-interest, but they're nonetheless self-interest.

Face it, most sports don't qualify as "acting in your own self-interest" if you define "self-interest" as "long term self-interest"...

Well yeah, but at what point does this observation just become rationalization? You can answer ANY question of why someone did something with "because it was in their self interest", because otherwise why would they have done it? It's a bit of a circular definition, no?

Comment Re:A little late (Score 4, Insightful) 961

True, one testable, repeatable result is all that is necessary to falsify something. What would you propose? Your definition of science is really really narrow. Is astronomy not science, because we can't perform experiments on black holes at the center of the galaxy? No, because we observe natural phenomena, make theories as to whether they would happen, and then test the implications of those theories by other observations. Just like with AGW.

Comment Re:Idiotic and Dangerous (Score 1) 198

Uh... what? Are you sure? If the asteroid were going to hit the surface of the planet, all its kinetic energy would have been converted to heat anyway, right? Why would it be worse to do that primarily in the upper atmosphere instead? And wouldn't it be worse if a huge dust cloud were raised that plunged us into a several-year winter?

Comment Re:"I blame Carly" (Score 4, Interesting) 514

Who blames Carly because she was rude? From all accounts I've heard, the Compaq merger was a huge mistake, as was the spin-off of Agilent and the iPod cross-licensing with Apple. You think that the party thrown when she left was just because she was rude? Why did HP's market cap raise by $8 BILLION when she left? Surely market traders on Wall street wouldn't care whether she was gruff with her employees.

Comment Re:Too good credit rating anyway (Score 1) 1040

Nope, not even close to 40 man-years, which is good, because think about the prices here.

40 man-years == 40 man crew working for a solid year. Even without ANY materials to build with, that means that you'd be paying 40 people a year's salary to build the house. Even a REALLY CHEAP salary (say $20,000) means you have $800K in labor costs alone. Not plausible.

According to this forum post here, it's anywhere from 2-8 months with a crew of 2-3 guys. So think an upper bound on an average house of about 2 man-years.

Comment Re:Duh. (Score 1) 897

Wow, and that's a bog-standard Civic sedan. My '93 VX hatchback GETS (still, at 210K miles) 38-40mpg, and I drive it like it's stolen most of the time. It's all about the 2,095 lb curb weight, tall gear ratios, and a 1.5l VTEC-E engine tuned for efficiency from the factory.

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