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Comment Re:How did they help women get jobs in tech? (Score 1) 107

In short, it's an organization who teaches women that they're victims and how to lodge a complaint in a manner that has so many "activation" words built in that if DEI is involved AT ALL, the company will be forced to drop good, productive employees for nasty, entitled, toxic "diversity hires".


Comment Re: Yeah no. (Score 1) 162

When given no option?
I use my phone for one two things.

1: As a phone. I'm also antisocial and don't like talking to people on the phone.
2: As a tethered internet device.

That's it.
If these people can glean anything through my VPN or my ultra-low minute conversations, I wish them nothing but frustration.

Am I atypical? Sure.
Please see "antisocial".

Comment In short, Chinese engineering sucks. (Score 0) 69

There are ways to minimize subsidence.
The term is "groundwork" or "dirt work".
Essentially it's geo-technical engineering.
Simply digging a hole, pouring concrete in and then putting a structure on top simply isn't enough.
Allowance needs to be made for ground pressure, soil engineering, water displacement, etc.
Otherwise you may as well strap detonators to the building and periodically demolish and rebuild.

You'll find that the mentality over there is to just "throw a building up" and then, when it fails, go throw ANOTHER poorly planned, poorly built building up in a different location.

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