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Comment Re:It took THIS to get you to drop cookies? (Score 3, Insightful) 206

All that you would need is a detailed enough portfolio on everyone: habits, mannerisms, interests, etc...

That and competence. So far, google has demonstrated competence. If it is an arm of the government (let's just postulate here) then sooner or later it will become the government; google has always demonstrated an ability to promote efficient alternatives. The question has always been, if I might paraphrase Pippin, is whether the fornicating we're getting is worth the fornicating we're getting. I would argue that in order to successfully pull off an orchestrated yet personalized misinformation campaign on a national scale, the government would have to reinvent itself into an entity that would at least function efficiently as a government, which is about all you can ask for. The powers that be will always find a way to place themselves above the rest.

Comment Re:Yes, but... (Score 1) 286

Ol' Dad was 92 when the cancer got him, and I still feel the humiliation of that last time we went hiking, when he left me behind, dizzy and panting, on the climb back to the car. He was a moderate with his eating, (coffee, bacon, and eggs every morning) and refused medication up to his last days. I don't know how much is genetic, but the Kentucky Mountaineer lifestyle, minus tobacco, seems to have been beneficial.

My guess is the carcinogens in the bacon finally got him.

Comment Re:$500,000 or $200,000,000 ?! Which is it ? (Score 1) 77

FOCLMAO - Thankyou for the morning laugh. The reality is the fact that the United States isn't backed by Gold or anything other then wishful thinking. That's why in hell the credit crunch has been waiting to smack us upside the head with a clue stick. Only problem is, we need a clue truck to run congress over before they get the message.

Comment Re:Amino Acids (Score 1) 286

It's well known that limited diets reduce reproductive metabolism in favor of survival. After all, what good is reproduction if you don't live to do it.

While that may be true, I think it is more of a case of: what good is reproduction (which requires a lot of resources from the mother before birth) when there is not enough food to go around even without extra mouths to feed. Better save the expense of pregnancy for times when there is better chance for the baby to actually have enough to eat.

Comment Hmm.. no (Score 3, Interesting) 284

Even assuming the security services don't lynch the dark lord before this goes to the vote, i have to wonder how effective such a law would be. For 20 quid i can get a 3g pay and go modem. No contract, no names, just cash.

Then we have TOR and i2p, which if the papers are to be believed have the aformentioned services bricking it.

Still, so long as he keeps getting his back handers, I'm sure everything will work out fine.

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