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Comment Re: Yikes (Score 1) 114

Yes, tones of people do that already, it's called TeX or LaTeX. It probably takes about as long to learn as Word does anyway. The huge benefit of using LaTeX is that its fairly backward/forward compatible, unlike Word. Want a text based visio replacement? Try dot. Powerpoint? Don't know, don't care, make a multipade LaTeX document and just page up/down the output pdf/dvi. I don't really care much for powerpoint. Get started with LaTeX now.

Comment Re:Why not KDE (Score 1) 403

What you're saying is mostly right. However, there is nothing wrong with livecds, what they install, maybe. Debian was just right in the lenny days. I don't know why they're now targeting GUI users who want a kitchen sink install.

Why systemd/gnome3 were the choice of late I don't know, I think this was a bad move for the distro. Systemd is a dependency now, which is *REALLY BAD*. It should have been agnostic towards upstart/sysv/systemd etc allowing the user to pick and choose between each.

Submission + - London parents give up custody of children for free Wi-Fi (

An anonymous reader writes: Six parents in London, England, unknowingly gave up their first-born child "for the duration of eternity" in an experiment aimed at highlighting how little we pay attention to terms and conditions online. The experiment, sponsored by security firm F-Secure, used a hotspot in the city's Canary Wharf, The Guardian reports. In order to access the Internet, the users had to agree to the firm's terms and conditions. A "Herod clause," promising free Wi-Fi but only if "the recipient agreed to assign their first born child to us for the duration of eternity," was included in those terms. F-Secure said the experiment proved people don't read the small print when it comes to signing up for Wi-Fi, and that can be dangerous.

Comment Re:...the best photographers were older people... (Score 3, Insightful) 97

I have to agree with you here. Would you hire a team of teenagers and their smart phones to do your wedding photography? No, I'd put my trust in someone who has decades of experience of photography and knows what makes good wedding photos. Rejecting the rules here is like accepting ISIS education policy.

Comment Re:Expensive and complicated? (Score 2) 97

The glass is always expensive. If you ignore numbers, then even today the glass is more expensive than the digital body, providing you're happy to upgrade the body once a decade (which is fine by me). I'm more interested in high quality stills than if the camera can do 1080p rather than 720. Right now, the way camera manufacturers are getting twitchy about mobile phones replacing SLR cameras, you get some good professional features in the mid-range cameras. The consumer wins right now.

Comment Re:Too late (Score 2) 97

I have never thought of flickr as being a place for sharing images from smartphones. I thought they were an SLR photo gallery. Just never thought of it as a "social" place. Even the 'flickrmail' link is buried a couple of clicks deep. Naw, this is just trying to get headlines. Flickr /was/ amazing. The Yahoo! killed it when try first made flickr integrate with their profile system, then once again when they made them revamp the UI, just like Yahoo! groups was killed with the neo interface. Flickr is currently kept alive by the mass of good photographers there, not the smartphone touting lumbering mass of teenagers.

Comment Re:US is next? (Score 1) 981

Indeed, anything else results in stone age thinking and caveman mentality. Rejecting the results of those who stood before us is like refusing to use a well vetting API, it'll take you a long time to eventually end up at the same place you could have been if you had stood on the shoulders of giants, if you see what I'm saying. If ISIS have their way, they will eventually end up at the same point as the rest of the world, but 10,000 years later. It's insane. It's so backward. It must be like trying to justify using assembler to reinvent PCRE.

Comment Re:Now almost as useful as python was 5 years ago! (Score 1) 118

Why didn't you resolve those dependencies as root yourself, the installer presumably shows what it dose when it fails as a non-root, even if it doesn't do this you can work out the name of the required package. It's normal to run a script and find that it uses some library that you don't have already. Ever tried a java web archive? Just plonk that in the tomcat ROOT dir and it installs automatically, you don't even have to run it. That's priceless.

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