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Comment Re:Going for cop's gun drastically escalates situa (Score 0) 368

Sorry, coroners reports say there was gun powder residue on Brown's hand. You are severely misinformed.

All that means was that his hand was within a few feet of the gun when it went off. He could have been defending himself, hiding his body or grabbing for the gun. But there is no proof of one over the other.

Comment Re:No s**t Sherlock (Score 0, Flamebait) 368

Exactly what happened last night in Berkeley, MO.

Cop 'accidentally' didn't have body camera on. Shot another black kid dead. Claims he pulled a gun.

In spite of 3 other cameras just feet away from the incident, the cops released a blurry video from far away. I wonder why that is?

Odds they get away with it again? 110%.

Comment Re: Does he stand a chance? (Score 1) 163

You cannot. Voting won't help. Working for change won't help.

Honestly, unless you're a multibillionaire with the power to actually affect change, about the best thing you can do is take your life's savings & go live in another country as a rich ex-pat. That way, you are at least further away from the long arm of the (un)law.

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