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Comment That's why the Nintendo PlayStation died (Score 2) 60

In stark contrast, a game cartridge requires no OS at all. The CPU simply jumps to the address location where the cartridge's ROM chip is logically assigned, and the CPU treats it exactly like it was fetching from RAM.

That was true until roughly the Nintendo DS. It uses a seek and read protocol, similar to parallel ATA or SD, to read 512-byte blocks of game data from the Game Card. Even the N64 and GBA used a seek and read protocol, but the console's memory controller abstracted it away from the CPU with wait states.

In theory, a (crazy) person could take an old SNES console, and with a very purpose built cartridge, turn it into a playstation.

I don't see how. There isn't enough bandwidth over the Super NES cartridge bus to refill video memory every frame. That's part of why the agreement between Nintendo and Sony to make the Super NES CD peripheral broke down, and Sony took what it had and revamped it into the original PlayStation. There's the MSU1 coprocessor designed for streaming video, but video from that isn't exactly full-motion.

Comment Re:Full-screen Start is the problem (Score 1) 570

So do you also suffer from this alleged "cognitive retardation" when you maximise, restore and minimise applications?

No, in part because reminders of the open windows remain in the taskbar, and in part because I rarely use maximized windows on a desktop PC. I'm more likely to use half-screen windows with Win+left and Win+right. The Windows 8 Start screen hides even that. People who run all applications maximized with an auto-hidden taskbar might appreciate the Windows 8 Start screen, but I am not among them.

I'd also like to know how you continue to work on whatever while *simultaneously* using the start menu.

The Windows 7 Start menu and Classic Shell Start menu do not trigger the same psychological "change of scenery" as the Windows 8 Start screen.

So you look up the proper command as you would regardless of OS.

On any other desktop operating system, I would look it up on one side of the screen and type it in on the other.

Or are you seriously saying you can't remember "mstsc" for five seconds?

Allow me a brief reductio ad absurdum: If everybody's memory is as good as you claim yours to be, then why do PC window systems even show more than one line of text at once instead of relying on end users' memories? If that's not enough, as I suspect, then how much context is appropriate for a sighted user?

Comment Insecure client (Score 1) 302

Let me make it a little clearer: If you have customers using an unsupported operating system, you have less faith that the customer's machine isn't compromised through a vulnerability that will never be fixed. For example, what's the use of TLS to protect passwords if there's a keylogger on the client? Besides, IE/XP can't see more than the first TLS certificate on port 443 of each IP address, so in the era of IPv4 address exhaustion, your users will eventually end up having to either use something other than IE, use something newer than Windows XP, or remember to type the port number whenever visiting the site.

Comment Time to fire stubbornly insecure customers (Score 2) 302

Your customers and customers customers decide when you don't support your OS and ancient version of IE.

When your customer can't take standard measures to protect the confidentiality of its own information or the information of your "customers customers", it's time to fire a customer.

Comment Re:Full-screen Start is the problem (Score 1) 570

why do you need to see what you _were_ working on when starting a _new_ program ?

It's to see the task I am still working on when I am starting a new program to do a new step of working on it. To some novice computer users, an application is a destination, and people don't use several small applications in several steps of a task. But I was brought up in the philosophy of the best tool for each part of the job.

at absolute worst case you need to read the name of the new program from another window and remember it

Remembering it is an unnecessary cognitive burden. To open an RDP session, is it "msts" or "mstc"? Oh wait, it's "mstsc".

Comment Re:Only for the first year (Score 1) 570

As far as I'm concerned, console games need to stay off of the PC

Only PC games are moddable in most cases, and only console games are playable with multiple gamepads on one machine in most cases. Are you trying to claim that moddable games with single-screen multiplayer, such as fighting games that allow for community-made characters, ought never to exist?

Comment Windows XP has been insecure for nine months (Score 1) 302

Oh and your code will be compatible with an Internet Explorer that runs on Windows XP.

For public-facing websites, Internet Explorer on Windows XP hasn't been important for nine months. That's how long ago Microsoft stopped releasing security updates to Windows XP. So we can assume Internet Explorer on Windows XP to be 0wn3d and therefore incapable of upholding the user's privacy.

Comment Re:TED talk about proprietary SW in schools (Score 1) 648

Because I was at work, and my break would have ended before I could find a transcript from which I could copy and paste relevant bits. And I have since come to believe that a transcript is legally prohibited from existing because "This recording is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 license."

Comment Again, how is the proprietary software better? (Score 1) 648

Are you seriously saying using proprietary software to teach beginning CS if it's the best tool still isn't the best tool because it's unethical?

Implicit in this is a claim that "it's the best tool" in some manner. To determine whether the ethical hazard of forcing inferior tools on students outweighs the ethical hazard of forcing non-free software on students, I first need to see the facts in each case. So let me rephrase my previous question in the terms of your post: In what way is proprietary software demonstrably better "to teach beginning CS"?

Comment Cloud seeding by Fiat (Score 1) 667

This assumes there's someone with enough money and power to fund and execute such a strategy by fiat

Would it take a company bigger than Fiat Chrysler (NYSE: FCAU, market cap 15.98B)? A company that makes petroleum-powered vehicles isn't going to like severe restrictions on petroleum use.

who isn't also part of a government.

Chrysler took a TARP loan. Does that make them "part of a government"?

Comment Re:More proof (Score 1) 667

Global Warming is a hypothesis, not a fact.

A bill can still acknowledge its status as a hypothesis and its potential for replacement by better hypotheses while achieving the intended effect: "It is the opinion of the 114th Congress that the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis best explains the mean temperature trend from V-J Day through 2014, and that policies of regulatory agencies should take it into account."

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