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Comment Re:Your society is unwilling to pay the price (Score 1) 34

Well, first off, none of them were his ideas. They were dreamed up by a bunch of whack jobs who's only intention was to create a bigger Wall Street kettle to skim from. And secondly, every single thing you reference revolves around that time period, and 99% of the people you link to was somehow involved with the administration and had something to gain personally from those "ideas", and at the same time, conveniently ignoring the dirty wars (and illegal, it turns out) the administration was carrying out to expand the market. Yeah, and Obama's wrapped up in this also. If it looks like a duck...Ronnie...Hmmpf! We tried to warn everybody back in the 60s that this guy needs to be put out to pasture, but nope, he's was our "key to get rich quick". We'll all make fast bucks buying "distressed properties" and flipping houses. By the time he got into office, he was already ill, but he could still remember his lines. Ever the professional. His delivery really did play well to the masses. You all are still bowing down to him. Jeeze! You would think he's the king of Saudi Arabia, or something. He should have stuck with Dean Martin. Those roasts were pretty funny.

Constitutional amendment? Is there a constitutional amendment for the FBI? NSA? CIA? EPA? FDA? DEA? FCC? There is something for the post office, I believe. Is there a Constitutional amendment for present day prohibition? I don't see you demanding that...

You won't see me supporting the present plans they have for us. They are no better than what we have now. In fact, yes, they are worse. It's all about Hillary's friends now. And I too see no good coming from this congress either, only the baby steps in the civil rights department, and I mean tiny, baby steps. The rest is business as usual, the wiretapping, the war, the secrecy...sooo Nixonian. That man planted a strong seed that has grown into a mighty oak tree.

Re: your link ; In the interest of Full Disclosure, many of Rockpointe's educational programs are produced with the financial support of manufactures and health care companies. No vested interest there, right? Try to broaden your base a little, eh?


Journal Journal: The Social Function of Sexual Suppression 2

If one studies the history of sexual suppression one finds that it does not exist in the early stages of culture formation. Therefore, it cannot be the prerequisite of culture. Rather, it appears at a relatively late stage of culture, at the time of the development of authoritarian patriarchy and of class distinctions. At that stage, the sexual interests of all begin to serve the profit interests of a minority. This process has assumed a solid organizational form in the institutions of patria

Comment Re:Libraries are icons of greatness (Score 1) 4

Having even less intelligence in those areas precludes me from making any judgment. I do believe however, that one of the prerequisites of having a presidential library named after you is that you would have to have been president at least once. For any other kind of library, just donate tons of money towards its construction. Or be the mayor of a great city. You may have to die while still in office for that though.

Comment Re:Your society is unwilling to pay the price (Score 1) 34

The trouble is, these few crazies aren't alone.

Well of course not. There's over 6 billion of us :-) They are like electricity. It goes nowhere without a conduit. In this case you gotta blow up and replace the generator. Merely cutting the wire won't work. I understand the ER workers plight, but with no other place to go because we have no system in place, they're just going to have to put up with it. You did see that famous video of the "crazy" lady who died in the ER? The number of incidences of this might not be all that great, but then, I don't play that game. It's the attitude that allows it to happen that's the problem, and you can bet there are plenty other cases of abuse and neglect that don't make the papers.

Comment Re:The problem (Score 1) 15

Unfortunately you have chosen to learn nothing. You peddle petty politics as if that's all there is to human behavior, and you stick to it like glue. You wish to conserve "tradition" for its own sake. Looking to get close to the king, are we?. Let me know when you get around to reading this(pdf).

Inarticulate I am. A troll not. The distinction is a bit larger than you think. But attacking the messenger is definitely the path of least resistance. There's a word for that. Let's see if anybody wants to post it here.

"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free..."

Comment Re:Your society is unwilling to pay the price (Score 0, Flamebait) 34

Well, that certainly can be applied both ways. I guess it's a matter of if you wish to believe the "banksters" and snake oil salesmen who have been attacking perfectly functional systems since the early 70s. Considering all the Reagan worship going around, it appears that's the direction you went. Not much I can do about that. But there's no denying the disaster they have wrought upon us...again They completely removed all the checks and balances, and everybody went along with the subsequent get rich quick schemes...again. It's unfortunate that the backlash you create will only make matters worse. Creating "universal" health care by forcing us to pay into corrupt companies that can still deny service on a whim? Screw that. Wouldn't be prudent...Nagada. You all really need to have it hammered into to your heads apparently, that public health is just as important as your law and order bullshit and should come out of the same till. Talking about letting the good times want to bring back the roaring 20s, doncha? Let the next generation worry about the next up and coming depression, caused by the very same people you want to keep in power. Absolutely nothing was learned from the debacle of the last thirty years. And machine politicians are still in charge.

Comment Re:Your society is unwilling to pay the price (Score 1) 34

The point is, under the current system...

Yes I understand that, but let's stay focused on the root of the problem, not it's results. It is the system that makes this happen. And you're diverting attention away from that. That's exactly the way the crooks who run it want you react. It keeps the cameras and microphones away from them. It's like smacking a guy on the head with a hammer so he forgets about the heart attack he's having. To put it another way, you don't like when people accuse you of "making up" a syndrome to justify how you act. So I see the same thing here. They are ill. It doesn't matter if it's all in their heads. The symptoms are visible, but they are being misdiagnosed. Chances are that the cause is external. Even if not, it is physical. "The mind is what the brain does", says Nat Geo. Find and cure what makes them sick instead of hopping on the media bandwagon and simply parroting their words. If there is no insurance available to you, it's not because of the "shoplifters". It's because the store owner is a greedy bastard. Besides, like in many cases, it's employee(including, if not especially, the bosses) theft that drives the prices up and creates the scarcity. Believe me, you're going after the wrong guy, and you are being trolled by mass media. Don't let these people make excuses to deny service.

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