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Comment Re:no way! (Score 1) 5

You don't seem to understand. Maybe I misinterpreted also. This here JE is a response to this great comment in the original. Maybe the authors were being serious, but I saw the story as a wonderful parody of the 9/11 conspiracy theories myself. Clearly the democrats had planted "explosives" for a planned demolition.

Comment Re:Eh (Score 1) 28

Saudi Arabia for a couple of years to help you gain perspective about this "religious extremism".

I am not subject to their rules. What they do is irrelevant to how we live in the states. And they don't pretend to be a democracy of any sort. And They have no constitution that prohibits their government from establishing or imposing an "official" religion. We, on the hand, have a written law doing exactly that. A person or group trying to impose rules of their religion onto me is an extremist. The degree is unimportant to me. Just because they might be "worse", it doesn't make what we do okay. The concept should not be so difficult to grasp. The repubs deserve every bit of ridicule they receive for what that they have been doing since...1968 actually. It just got totally stupid in 1980, and getting worse ever since. If they want some respect, they can find another Eisenhower or Goldwater, or George Romney, somebody with a brain, even if their politics isn't exactly palatable. The trolls are the ones hollering about losing their power and possibly having to live amongst us heathens as mere equals, god forbid. Which of course, brings out the guns. They should be grateful that they got their prop 8. For which I'm counting on the backlash to separate them even further from civilized society.

Comment Re:Eh (Score 1) 28

He scuttled his maverick cred...

Oh c'mon. He did that 20 years ago and he burned it to the ground when he signed on to the war, patriot act, and the MCA. And maybe if the repubs want any semblance of credibility ever again, they won't hook up with the likes of Falwell and Robertson anymore. Maybe you're right about the internet saving us after all. It will be slow going, but maybe the almost 30 years running of animosity towards rational, intelligent people in politics will finally die off.

Comment Re:Eh (Score 1) 28

After foisting the idiocracy of Palin, Bush, Quayle, and Reagan, and religious extremism on us for the last 28 years, I find your reaction to the blowback very amusing. They were thinking of you and your little friends all huddled together in your "no foes" journals when they wrote this.

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