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Comment Re:Your society is unwilling to pay the price (Score 1) 34

Because a living, breathing baby deserves all the same rights as any other living, breathing person. But the big difference between a baby and a fetus is the physical separation from the mother. It might be genetically separate, but it has to be physically separate for it to count. Until it is born, the mother is the only rightful arbitrator. If I wanted to get really pithy about it, I would insist that you are not a person until you reach sexual maturity and can live on your own. There are times that I don't believe it's that far off base when I consider how badly society treats the living in comparison to the unborn and the deceased.

Comment Re:Your society is unwilling to pay the price (Score 0, Troll) 34

A fetus isn't a "person". It is part of the mother's body until the umbilical cord is cut. Hell, a baby isn't a person. But it is alive and separate. That's what makes the difference. That is the dividing line and nothing else. Nobody, but nobody has ANY authority as to the fate of a fetus but the mother. The authoritarian patriarchy disagrees, but screw them. So Ron Paul is incorrect also. It is nothing but suppression of natural human functions for the purpose of crowd control and enormous profit.

Comment Re:I'd love to see the data (Score 1) 2

Well, it's pretty clear that absolutely nobody gets that high up without engaging in lots of buggery. That's how perverted the system has become. To be expected when you try to repress what is probably our strongest urge. I haven't checked that deep into looking for the actual data, but I don't believe it's being sequestered away from public view. Doing something like that would be very counterproductive, I would think. I betcha the arguments amongst the psychologists themselves would make even a better book than this one.

Comment Re:Your society is unwilling to pay the price (Score 1) 34

Well, first off, none of them were his ideas. They were dreamed up by a bunch of whack jobs who's only intention was to create a bigger Wall Street kettle to skim from. And secondly, every single thing you reference revolves around that time period, and 99% of the people you link to was somehow involved with the administration and had something to gain personally from those "ideas", and at the same time, conveniently ignoring the dirty wars (and illegal, it turns out) the administration was carrying out to expand the market. Yeah, and Obama's wrapped up in this also. If it looks like a duck...Ronnie...Hmmpf! We tried to warn everybody back in the 60s that this guy needs to be put out to pasture, but nope, he's was our "key to get rich quick". We'll all make fast bucks buying "distressed properties" and flipping houses. By the time he got into office, he was already ill, but he could still remember his lines. Ever the professional. His delivery really did play well to the masses. You all are still bowing down to him. Jeeze! You would think he's the king of Saudi Arabia, or something. He should have stuck with Dean Martin. Those roasts were pretty funny.

Constitutional amendment? Is there a constitutional amendment for the FBI? NSA? CIA? EPA? FDA? DEA? FCC? There is something for the post office, I believe. Is there a Constitutional amendment for present day prohibition? I don't see you demanding that...

You won't see me supporting the present plans they have for us. They are no better than what we have now. In fact, yes, they are worse. It's all about Hillary's friends now. And I too see no good coming from this congress either, only the baby steps in the civil rights department, and I mean tiny, baby steps. The rest is business as usual, the wiretapping, the war, the secrecy...sooo Nixonian. That man planted a strong seed that has grown into a mighty oak tree.

Re: your link ; In the interest of Full Disclosure, many of Rockpointe's educational programs are produced with the financial support of manufactures and health care companies. No vested interest there, right? Try to broaden your base a little, eh?


Journal Journal: The Social Function of Sexual Suppression 2

If one studies the history of sexual suppression one finds that it does not exist in the early stages of culture formation. Therefore, it cannot be the prerequisite of culture. Rather, it appears at a relatively late stage of culture, at the time of the development of authoritarian patriarchy and of class distinctions. At that stage, the sexual interests of all begin to serve the profit interests of a minority. This process has assumed a solid organizational form in the institutions of patria

Comment Re:Libraries are icons of greatness (Score 1) 4

Having even less intelligence in those areas precludes me from making any judgment. I do believe however, that one of the prerequisites of having a presidential library named after you is that you would have to have been president at least once. For any other kind of library, just donate tons of money towards its construction. Or be the mayor of a great city. You may have to die while still in office for that though.

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