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Comment Re:We've gone beyond bad science (Score 1) 703




"97%+ of geologists agreed the continents were stable. It was Settled Science. Hundreds of research papers supported it. Overwhelming consensus. And wrong. And, oddly (not really, if you think about it a moment), it was not a geologist but a meteorologist, Alfred Wegener, who ultimately showed all the mutually agreeing geologists they had it all wrong; the continents move." - Michael K. Oliver

Just because it's claimed to be settled science doesn't mean it's true. Never confuse truth for consensus.

Comment Re:We've gone beyond bad science (Score 1) 703

"97%+ of geologists agreed the continents were stable. It was Settled Science. Hundreds of research papers supported it. Overwhelming consensus. And wrong. And, oddly (not really, if you think about it a moment), it was not a geologist but a meteorologist, Alfred Wegener, who ultimately showed all the mutually agreeing geologists they had it all wrong; the continents move." - Michael K. Oliver

Comment Re:Indeed! (Score 1) 703

"We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now..." .' Now Lovelock is walking back his rhetoric, admitting that he and other prominent global warming advocates were being alarmists. In a new interview with MSNBC he says: '"The problem is we don't know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books — mine included — because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn't happened," Lovelock said. "The climate is doing its usual tricks. There's nothing much really happening yet. We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now," he said. "The world has not warmed up very much since the millennium. Twelve years is a reasonable time it (the temperature) has stayed almost constant, whereas it should have been rising — carbon dioxide is rising, no question about that," he added.' Lovelock still believes the climate is changing, but at a much, much slower pace."

'Gaia' scientist James Lovelock: I was 'alarmist' about climate change

Comment Re:We've gone beyond bad science (Score 1) 703

Here's a paper that says unless we have more CO2 we're not going to be able to grow enough food to feed the world in the future:

All plants have a temperature range they're happy in. Irelands used to grow wheat, but when it cold colder and wetter they switch to potatoes. The kind of temperature increases being talked about (that didn't happen) aren't going to affect anything.

Water matters more. And it's known when you cut down all the trees, rain sorta stops - think of trees as hydraulic pumps that squite water into the air from the ground and you'd not be too wrong.

We've killed half the trees in the last 100 years.

Is there a chance AGW is a smoke screen for that?

AGW has also attenuated discussion of pollution, any chance AGW is a smokescreen for that?

Co2 keeps going up, but temperatures haven't risen as projected. Does that mean mother nature is wrong or the IPCC model is? Pick one.

Comment Re:We've gone beyond bad science (Score 1) 703

Are you aware of the limits to that?

Are you aware plants eat co2 and get bigger and grow faster and can eat more co2?

Are you aware we've cut down half the trees in the last 100 years?

"Then in the late 1970s, Dyson got involved with early research on climate change at the Institute for Energy Analysis in Oak Ridge, Tenn.

That research, which involved scientists from many disciplines, was based on experimentation. The scientists studied such questions as how atmospheric carbon dioxide interacts with plant life and the role of clouds in warming.

But that approach lost out to the computer-modeling approach favored by climate scientists. And that approach was flawed from the beginning, Dyson said.

“I just think they don’t understand the climate,” he said of climatologists. “Their computer models are full of fudge factors.”

A major fudge factor concerns the role of clouds. The greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide on its own is limited. To get to the apocalyptic projections trumpeted by Al Gore and company, the models have to include assumptions that CO-2 will cause clouds to form in a way that produces more warming.

“The models are extremely oversimplified,” he said. “They don't represent the clouds in detail at all. They simply use a fudge factor to represent the clouds.”

Dyson said his skepticism about those computer models was borne out by recent reports of a study by Ed Hawkins of the University of Reading in Great Britain that showed global temperatures were flat between 2000 and 2010 — even though we humans poured record amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere during that decade." .' Now Lovelock is walking back his rhetoric, admitting that he and other prominent global warming advocates were being alarmists. In a new interview with MSNBC he says: '"The problem is we don't know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books — mine included — because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn't happened," Lovelock said. "The climate is doing its usual tricks. There's nothing much really happening yet. We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now," he said. "The world has not warmed up very much since the millennium. Twelve years is a reasonable time it (the temperature) has stayed almost constant, whereas it should have been rising — carbon dioxide is rising, no question about that,"

Now please explain the error bars. 75% error - that's like saying 2 + 2 = 7.


"8th December 2010 13:24 GMT - A group of top NASA and NOAA scientists say that current climate models predicting global warming are far too gloomy, and have failed to properly account for an important cooling factor which will come into play as CO2 levels rise."

"New NASA model: Doubled CO2 means just 1.64C warming
'Important to get these things right', says scientist"

"A group of top NASA boffins says that current climate models predicting global warming are far too gloomy, and have failed to properly account for an important cooling factor which will come into play as CO2 levels rise.

According to Lahouari Bounoua of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and other scientists from NASA and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), existing models fail to accurately include the effects of rising CO2 levels on green plants. As green plants breathe in CO2 in the process of photosynthesis – they also release oxygen, the only reason that there is any in the air for us to breathe – more carbon dioxide has important effects on them.

In particular, green plants can be expected to grow as they find it easier to harvest carbon from the air around them using energy from the sun: thus introducing a negative feedback into the ...." etc


The IPCC has ignored biologists and astrophysicists for years. Why would that be? *cough* grant farming.

When you're finished explaining the 75% error, call Dyson and NASA and NOAA and CERN and tell them they're wrong. I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.

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