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Comment Re:23 down, 77 to go (Score 1) 866

I don't doubt that there are some exceptions, possibly even some motivated enough to be slightly dangerous; but those people I've met who actively want religion to die out (as opposed to merely being atheists personally, or apathetic toward metaphysics) specifically want it do die out by persuasion rather than persecution.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeell.... not by persecution, but I'm not sure by persuasion either. Most of those fed up with religion consider it just a silly superstition and don't really see the point of discussing it any more than the Loch Ness monster or if a black cat crossing the road brings you bad luck. They realize they can't talk you out of an irrational belief, they just want it to go away and will probably act more with derision than persuasion.

Comment Re: 23 down, 77 to go (Score 4, Insightful) 866

I'm fairly certain humanity would find plenty of reasons to wage war if religions were not around to blame it on.

For sure, there's plenty examples of people of the same religion going to war over various reasons like land, resources, geopolitical reasons, wars of oppression, wars of liberation, power and control with wars of succession and so on. But for most of the genuine atrocities you need more, you need such a burning hate for the opposition that you're willing to slaughter down women and children and burn their cities to the ground. Where simply victory isn't enough, only total submission or even extermination. Religion is a very common fuel for such hate.

When fighting for resources you're also looking for a "return on investment", you have to gain enough to be worth going to war. That you can usually defend against by rational investments in defense, making it too costly to be worth it. Irrational wars fueled by hatred often don't care, a civil war might tear the whole country apart and leave it in ruins as long as the infidels die. The Germans fought the allies all the way back to Berlin, the Japanese until they were nuked. Twice. Neither made sense, it was death before surrender.

Of course you can say that was mostly racism, not religion though I'm pretty sure the Holocaust was a good dose of both though Nazi Germany certainly fought a lot of other nominally Christian nations. Religion is also a very lasting divide. Germany fought most of Europe, now they're a key member of the EU. The US was at war with Mexico, the North was at war with the South but the wounds mostly die with the generation that experienced it. In the middle east they've been fighting for 2000 years and every conflict reopens a wound that never heals.

Of course religion has its good sides, I think a lot of people behave better than they might have because they think God/Allah is watching or it affects their karma. So it's not just irrational evil, it's also irrational good. Mostly just irrational and mostly harmless, really I don't care if you want to bend knee and pray to the FSM or have your own diet because FSM said eating something is unclean or the FSM told you not to work on a Sunday or whatever. As long as you got it dialed down to mostly quaint and charming.

Comment Re:crt (Score 1) 175

The age of the square, visible pixel was actually a pretty short period between blurry CRTs and retina LCDs. Pixel art was originally created for CRT, which blurs the pixels. Artists developed techniques to take advantage of this.

Going by your UID, I'm guessing you were too young to have been there. The glory days of pixel art was the 80s and early 90s with resolutions of 320x240 and less as well as 4-256 colors simply because you had no other choice. Those were very visible, even on the CRT. A good example is comparing TES II: Daggerfall, released in 1996 which was the last of the "pixelated" generation with 320x200x256 color and TES III: Morrowind in 2002, which was a damn beauty with up to 1600x1200x16.7mio color and all of this while CRTs were dominating.

Of course you could still see here and there that it was pixels and not retina-class, anti-aliased super smooth ultra realistic graphics - it's not hard to see it's a computer game and not real life, but clearly they were going for being as realistic as possible and not a stylized "pixel art" form. LCDs might have raised the standard a bit on the level of detail you need, but they aren't very relevant at all as to why pixel art exists in the first place. It's more like a game board piece, enough to see what it is and make it an interactive part of the game but not even trying to be realistic.

Comment Re:Typo: Digital Rights Management (Score 1) 371

Of course the usual way has just been to use Flash, Java, Silverlight or some other NPAPI plug-in to provide the DRM. That API is 20 years old from Netscape Navigator 2.0 and honestly nobody likes it much. Microsoft has always pushed ActiveX for IE, Chrome prefers their PPAPI they launched 6 years ago and Firefox calls plug-ins a legacy technology. Many mobile browsers don't support traditional plug-ins of any kind. But it's not going to go away as long as it's the only way to play DRM'd content under Firefox.

So it's a compromise, you get the EME which is going to be a far more limited API isolated in a security sandbox to decrypt DRM'd video and audio streams and with that Firefox hopes to deprecate NPAPI and proprietary plugins for everything else. No flash, no java, no silverlight or anything like that just HTML/CSS/Javascript (open source) + EME (sandbox + closed source). It's just that it has never been in Mozilla's nature to compromise when there's overwhelming evidence they can't win, they'd rather stick by their guns and lose.

According to StatCounter, they had 32% marketshare in November 2009, now they're down to 17%. If you add in mobile where they have nearly no presence they're now fourth after Safari and IE. They're not going to achieve much of anything by pushing their remaining users away from them, it's the curse of populism. To actually be in a position to change anything, you must have the support of enough people to enact change. And in this particular case, I don't think they'll get many to join them in a boycott of Netflix and other DRM-using services.

Comment Re:Every project has cost projections (Score 1) 57

Speaking as someone who does such cost estimating professionally, I can assure you that EVERY project like this has the costs evaluated long before anyone breaks ground. A company would have to be insane to not have conducted the due diligence on every aspect of a project of this scale. They have to evaluate if there is a satisfactory ROI. They have to have some sort of idea what it ought to cost so that they can know how things are going. They have to budget the money. Of course there will be cost variances but you can't even begin to manage a project like this unless you have some idea what it should cost.

Oh, there will be plans. Realistic plans? Well.... I've worked in a supporting role to some fairly big projects and there's a few things that strike me:

1) Huge projects generally have the biggest uncertainties. It'd be easy to think the opposite, the bigger the stakes the more sure you want to be that you're right but that's not really the case. While small to medium projects have some rather tangible goals under current conditions, the huge ones generally involve more conjecture on where the company, market and technology is going and is heavily mixed up with the corporate strategy. In addition they're a lot more one of the kind, unlike smaller projects where you have a lot more guidance and experience on how similar projects have been.

2) Huge projects typically involve a lot of major decisions that may be a boon to some parts of your organization while negatively affecting others, obviously this a major factor in political decisions but also internally you get a lot of actors who act in their own interest rather than the business as a whole, for example because it plans to eliminate or centralize some functions or focus on some technologies, products, services and locations in favor of others. Don't expect your SQL Server guru to be happy for a move to Oracle or vice versa.

3) As a consequence of points 1) and 2) above, you often get a lot of bad data as input. In particular, you tend to get a lot of overly optimistic estimates of costs, schedules and quality or that casually neglects to mention related costs that it is likely to incur and that are hard to fact-check while sales and savings are wildly exaggerated. Naturally the other side is equally biased in the other direction, so real neutral assessments are hard to come by. It doesn't help that the time scale is such that by the time failure is obvious many of the ones who made the decisions have left for other jobs or retired.

What's even worse is that in many cases the people who grossly oversold their position are the ones rewarded because it's incredibly hard to back out of a high visibility project, it's expensive and it makes the executives who agreed to it incompetent. Lesser projects and their owners/managers have the chance to be chewed out by their superiors, but when it goes all the way to the top you're way more likely to throw good money after bad to keep the project going rather than wave the white flag and declare it a miserable failure. That's how you get overruns of hundreds of millions of dollars and up.

Comment Re:Over think (Score 1) 152

NoCrack seems extremely vulnerable to a crack since they create decoys on the fly. It should be fairly trivial to pick it apart and tell when you're getting a real password from the vault. As for the stateless password managers, they operate without any kind of wallet which is their problem. Also you can't change password for any reason, that's a problem too. If you have a wallet most the problems go away. I'm thinking as follows:

The wallet stores a PRNG value to avoid various rainbow attacks. For each site/login the wallet stores a 128-bit PRNG and how to extract the the password from the hash.

Upon entering a password, the software shows you:
a) The fingerprint of SHA1(unique key+password) in some user friendly way so you might realize a mistyped password
b) For each site/login SHA1(unique key + password + site/login key).toBase64().substring(startPos, length)

For example,
When I generate the wallet, there's a random seed. Lets say it's
I add a site/login called "Slashdot" and it generates a site key:

My password is "go fish"
When I type it in, it generates SHA1(1234567890abcdef + "go fish") = "PFr7t9qfAP9PFVG0+Vvbez82rW8=" and I know that if I type the password right it should start with PFr... something.

My hash for slashdot is SHA1(1234567890abcdef + 1122334455667788 + "go fish") = "8ktw2l8XVdI81/6TvEcg5EbxJ90="

I pick some part of that which satisifies this site's requirements like "ktw2l8XV" and the wallet stores (openly) that it'll take startPos = 2, length = 8. If nothing works because the site is weird, I can always generate a new site key and I'll get a new string to choose from.

If you type something other than "go fish", you'll get a different set of passwords but no indication whether it's right or wrong. Some of those passwords might fail the site's passwords requirements, but that's a very weak elimination.

Comment Fantasy life easier than real life (Score 4, Interesting) 950

Isn't that what this really boils down, not some bullshit about masculinity? Women watch soap operas because it's more exciting than their boring life, men play video games so we can be greater than the insignificant little peons that we are. And in porn the most beautiful women will perform for you even if you're fatter than the marshmallow man and uglier than a troll. We have immersive enough solutions that the body is fooled to play out almost all its chemical registry with endorphin, adrenaline, dopamine and so on letting you fake all the excitement and rewards as you slay imaginary dragons.

The problem is that it's addictive and desensitizing, if you're on a constant rush of awards and achievements and level-ups and whatnot then real life is a real downer. Not entirely unlike how I hear people on drugs describe coming off their high or how fat people act when they come off a sugar rush. So through a combination of actual reality check, batting outside your league because of failed self-perception and being poor at handling disinterest or rejection the result is often a painful face-plant. Once bitten, twice shy so you rather watch porn and play video games than try again.

Comment Re:Editorializing... (Score 1) 408

You missed a rather significant point in the article. Two of those accidents happened when a human WAS in control of the car (which was how they know it wasn't the car's fault), so NO, a human would not have done better at avoidance. The fact that of the 4 accidents that happened, none of them were the car's fault is more significant than the 10% rat.

I don't see how two of them should be meaningfully counted under any circumstances. They could just have it drive itself out of the parking lot and let a human do the rest, the autonomous system would never be at fault. If the car's not driving, it's just a plain old ordinary human-operated car. You don't count the miles, you don't count the accidents.

When any specific humans has 4 accident driving cars, on average exactly 50% of them were caused by that specific human.

Actually only about 90% of accidents are attributed to driver error, the rest is mechanical failure like a tire blowing out or environmental like a tree falling across the road. And there's solo accidents and chain collisions, so it's not given that there's two parties involved. I don't know what the percentage is, but it's probably not 50%.

Comment Re:Avoidable? (Score 1) 408

The autonomous may not have been at fault, but one wonders whether some of the accidents would have been avoidable by a fleshy driver.

In theory or as in a representative sample of the driving population? I'm guessing it's pretty hard to get a good answer to what we would do. At any rate, my prediction is that we'd do better with one less fleshy driver instead of one more.

Comment Re:if I am dead (Score 3, Insightful) 182

Third type of website is a public service. Maybe you're not making money off it, but people like it. An example of this would be: Capgeek. Its owner got sick and passed away. No one runs it anymore because he put a lot of work into it, and no one could maintain it.

But this is exactly why a zombie site doesn't do any good. You need somebody to be your heir, which goes beyond simply the funds to keep the lights on. If you don't have any line of succession set up, make arrangements in your will to add a message to the site saying I've passed, here's a zip of the entire site, if you want to carry the torch feel free for your own name under your own domain. You can't just offer free money and a domain name, somebody will just take the money and use the domain for squatting for ad revenue. Or you could go the formal route and establish a trust, but I imagine that's overkill and the trust manager will take a fair chunk of cash for that.

Comment Re:Very simple... just ask (Score 1) 353

Ask your boss. You no doubt signed away the copyright to the code you write for work, so you'll likely need explicit permission from them.

It's already the default, at least in the US any "work prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her employment" belong to the company. That generally means anything done as part of your work duties or using company resources including but not limited to your working hours, computers or intellectual property. The courts will generally side against you if you come up with a solution for something that's naturally related to your job duties too, you can't research the problem at work then go home and write down the solution claiming it was independently developed.

He might be good friends with his boss, but his boss is probably going to send this to legal and from there it can go spectacularly bad. For example they might start to think he's disloyal and holding back things or stealing ideas to put in his own work for his would-be contractor life. I wouldn't try pulling off a stunt like this unless I'm prepared to be fired and anything you do make on your own gone over with a fine tooth comb. It might also go over a lot nicer than that, but I'd rather build a nest egg and take my chances as a contractor. What he's doing now seems high risk compared to that.

Comment Re:I call BS (Score 1) 184

Every write, not every read. Reads are satisfied as soon as either drive returns the data. And if the raid controller has a battery or supercap so it can cache writes, you'll almost never notice the difference.

Ah, I thought RAID1 would warn you somehow of bit flips which I assume would be the way heat-deteriorated storage would show up. Guess it won't, you'll need ZFS or something like that.

Comment Scenario (Score 1) 184

Bring laptop with SSD to Death Valley, leave it in the car stuck in the sun and go hiking. How long until your data is in trouble? However, I just looked at the specs for the Samsung 840 EVO, since it was the first to pop up:

Operating: 0C to 70C
Non-Operating: -55C to 95C

I would assume the 95C is with data? It would be a rather small caveat if the drive survived but your data was fried.

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