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Comment Re:Allow it... (Score 1) 340

As there is no technical reason not to, the FCC should allow cell phone usage on planes. Then the companies can make the decision if they want to allow cell phone use on their planes. This is called free market. In this way americans that want cell phones on planes can pick carriers who allow it, and those of us who do not can do the same.

Comment Re:Interface wise can it get worst? (Score 1) 1009

I like windows 8, and surprisingly my complaint with 8.1 is the irremovable start button (I'm a keyboard guy). However I have yet to find a use for metro apps. None of them are useful or worth while and there are always better 'real' applications.

The only advantage to metro would be for simple small touch devices, a desktop/laptop is not that.

Comment Re:Resetting passwords not that easy. (Score 1) 381

But those are not 'my' passwords.

At my last job I had an envelope that contained "essential" accounts. These were root accounts, licensing accounts w/ vendors, and passwords for infrastructure that didn't allow for multiple users. This was locked in my desk. If I was to die (or when I quit) it was trivial for my boss to get this and give it to the person taking over my responsibilities.

My passwords however (AD, Unix systems, email, etc) were never given to him. Those are not his to have. They are his to change after I'm gone.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 193

I'd go as high as 10 USD a month for HBO. But honestly the value of netflix at 8 USD a month is growing to a point where I'm not even sure on that. For 8 bucks a month I get tons of old content and a growing amount of really good original content. Where as netflix has tons of stuff for me to watch, HBO only has a few shows I'd really care about seeing. Maybe a Pay per show/season would be a better approach.

Comment Re:Passwords are property of the employer (Score 2) 599

When I left my last job, I changed all passwords on the system. Each team member that would be taking a responsibility from me got their own unique password. I then set every system they needed access to to that password.

So they knew if they were logging in to a system that was now under their control, the password would be X. That also encouraged them to change the passwords asap so I wouldn't know them.

Lastly, I changed all root passwords to randomly generated 14 character passwords and provided that list to my boss to do with as he pleased.

This way my 'passwords' were not known (just in case I accidentally had password reuse in my personal life) and their new passwords were consistent and in their possession before I left on my last day.

Comment Re:This actually looks really unusable (Score 2) 317

I worry about high stress in video games and losing the whole location.

I can force down on a thumbstick during a car chase in GTA V and not worry about exact position, just push up and my fingers tell me I've reached the edge of motion because the stick stops moving. I don't think this will translate well at all....

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