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Comment Re:Boom (Score 1) 814

No amount of training can allow you to have a reasonable chance of shooting someone without killing them. It is simply impossible. Especially under duress like a police officer would be when he needs to take a shot.

My point is that any form of police that trains to shoot to disable are complete morons. This is a impossible and irresponsible and unsafe way to train. No one trains like this. You shoot to hit the largest and easiest thing you can. This is because when you are under stress you lack fine muscle control needed to shoot a gun out of your foes hands.

As evidence, I submit the countless articles of police that fire dozens of rounds as a person 10-20 feet away and hit him maybe 3 times. You train to shoot to kill. This is the only responsible way to train. Thinking your shot is not without a high risk of being fatal is being irresponsible.

My whole comment is targeted at " police are trained to use them in non-fatal manners, if at all possible (i.e. to shoot legs)". Shooting the legs has no less chance of killing someone as shooting the gut, chest, head, arms, feet, hands, etc. In fact, it is probably more dangerous as you have less chance of hitting (putting others nearby at risk), less chance of stopping your attacker (putting yourself at risk), and if by some random chance you are a super soldier and can hit with any reliability you put your target at risk with a giant fucking artery running down your leg.

When you need to shoot someone, the only responsible thing to do is fucking shoot to kill.

Comment Re:Boom (Score 1) 814

But every time you pull the trigger with a life on the other side you are committing a fatal action.

Nice reading comprehension. But sure, attack the letter or the argument and not it's spirit. It shows how weak your troll is.

The context of the discussion is shooting people. So obviously I'm speaking about shooting people.

So back to the rule. Never point a gun at anything you don't want to destroy.

Comment Re:Its just a dumb idea (Score 2) 814

Gun makers have another problem. Guns rarely fail. I have a Mosin–Nagant from 1890's. It still works perfectly today. They are already worried about gun sales. Not because of legislation but because most gun buyers are already gun owners. They worry that eventually the market will shrink as no new buyers get into the gun ownership game.

For me, I need to know those electronics will last and work (and parts made for) the next 200 years. I want my kids to inherit my guns. Currently every firearm I own will still be functional for my great great great grandkids (as long as someone cares for them with cleaning).

Comment Re:Boom (Score 1) 814

There is no non-fatal way to use a gun.

There are instances where the gun didn't kill the target. But every time you pull the trigger with a life on the other side you are committing a fatal action. Shoot the leg and hit an artery, or miss and hit the gut. Shoot the shoulder and hit the heart, etc.

These are not laser pointers.

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