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Comment Re:waste of time (Score 1) 380

numbers were way off.. but still 5 more cars per minute is impressive.

4 way stop average number of cars through in 15 minutes was 385.
Roundabout average number of cars through in 15 minutes was 460.
Improvement of about 20%.

If you don't care to watch the video they set up a 4 way stop course and then a roundabout course. They used a bunch of drivers and did two 15 minute tests of each course counting the number of cars that got through and averaged them. The roundabout was a 20 percent improvement over the 4 way stop. And even though they let the drivers practice a bit on the roundabout before the tests they were American drivers that for the most part don't have the day to day experience that European drivers do with roundabouts so I am thinking the efficiency of the roundabout is even greater.


Comment Re:waste of time (Score 4, Informative) 380

Myth Busters took this on for a very congested test (also very controlled)

They got somewhere around 180 cars through a traditional 4 way stop, and over 300 through the same space as a roundabout. I was floored it was that great of a difference, they said because at any given time there were multiple cars in the roundabout doing their own thing. (may be off on the numbers, but the roundabout was unbelievably better in their test)

Granted the layout of the roundabout matters a TON, and most I have seen around here are cram a roundabout in a tiny space so you don't REALLY know if the car to your left is leaving the roundabout or continuing...

Comment Re:You want IE to be relevant? (Score 1) 105

Healthcare IT is also rough, we have some government mandated things saying you MUST use IE8, others that the same people use are now saying you must have 9 or 10, and I think there is still a handful that need 7.

The only option for many of these people is either versions in Citrix (MS approved way) or ThinApp, which works great, but MS doesn't like it.

Comment Re:Behind the curve (Score 1) 1040

Wisconsin and Illinois did this with state taxes...

Illinois was then voted worst place to live by it's residents (1 out of 4 said this)

Wisconsin ended middle of the pack I think around 40-50% saying it is the best place to live (may be off on the numbers)

Wisconsin saw job growth and lower taxes, Illinois saw jobs leave, higher taxes, pension scandals etc...

Comment Re:Actually there is a name for this behavior (Score 1) 114

So out of curiosity... any idea on the speeds this gives? I make too much to qualify myself, but as a foster parent we regularly have kids in the house we take care of that would qualify... We take advantage of some things the WIC checks offer like discounted museum memberships, since the food checks don't even come close to covering what kids eat.

If it is a decent speed this would be interesting to me.

Comment Re:Just Tack on a Fee (Score 1) 626

This also assumes all cars go automatic...

Collector cars aren't going to be going away, many people won't be able to afford these new fancy cars, many people will do what they can to break the auto part for whatever paranoid belief they feel like, or just the idea of not being in control.

What about the auto insurance industry? all those people will be hurting if there aren't as many accidents for people to carry insurance for.

Comment Re:Just Tack on a Fee (Score 1) 626

The normal problem here comes as you take your car across borders, are you paying the per mile to your home state, the state you drove in or the state your vehicle is registered in? When I lived in Washington, my vehicle was still registered in Wisconsin the whole time till I moved back. Who would get those tax dollars? What about trips to Canada or Mexico? You are taxed on something that didn't happen in your country?

Comment Re:Outsourcing (Score 1) 248

We had one of those a number of years back... 10 years as a computer operator and MCSE.

For every 4 hours of work we could get out of him, it took someone 8 hours to write up what to do and how to do it. The guy struggled with cut and paste. He did braindumps and passed exams, then lost all information within a week.

(10 years as a computer operator, typing in information, never leaving the one program he was supposed to work in)

Comment Re:iTunes (Score 1) 196

since it boots up every several months for something quick and then wants to run all the new updates...

Key work is wants... so it could be MS or anything really asking to update...

that I can see the annoyance.

Comment Re:Oh, look! Just what the economy needs! (Score 1) 600

we get hammered on this... our cost is higher then the price medicare pays... and we are the biggest provider for medicare patients in the state, because we will not turn people away that are on medicare like many other systems in the area that just won't take the people because for instance, for a small practice , they can only see so many medicare people, or they can't cover their own costs.

you pay more for them to stay afloat.

Comment Re:Where's the profit (Score 1) 379

The last few times I bought a new game it was one I wanted pre-release, so I went to Best Buy, traded in all the games I don't play anymore and put that to a pre-order, which gave additional credit for doing a tradein to put money down on a prerelease, so it made the new game practically free for me after giving up the old games. then each time I do this, the money I put up gets a bit more because now I trade in one game to get one game... I play the crap out of that game to get the cost per hour well below $1 an hour (really cheap entertainment) and move on. if you take the first month you have a game, and play it one hour a month every day, it comes down to $2 an hour quickly. A good game should be multiple months, so it gets cheap for the consumer that way.

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