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Comment Re:So much for Fallout (Score 1) 99

NV was open world, with only one usable path. F3 was open world, with only one practical path to the end. If you were a wanderer, F3 was more open. If you wanted the end, NV was more open.

F3 wasn't open in DC. You were forced to one of two paths, underground, or along the water. F4 was the first where you could walk the perimeter of the usable map and spiral your way to the middle (avoiding only a couple of hot spots). In NV and 3, large portions were essentially locked off until you either leveled up significantly, or were on the correct quests. F4 is everything good that NV players claim they like, but it hated for not being NV (except for the 4-exclusionary "likes" that are explicitly targeted at NV/4 differences, like "oh, I liked it better when there were more snarky dialogue choices").

Comment Re:So much for Fallout (Score 1) 99

I always notice that the NV lovers complain about things 3 added that they like in NV. 3 added karma. NV used karma. But NV lovers liked it better in NV than 3. Yes, the NV mod for 3 did have more time to tweak things that were already in 3. "but they had less time", they also had a fixed game engine, so no time to modify it, and no ability to do so either, which is why it's a F3 mod. Everything in NV could literally be done in F3, with mods, if you spent as much time and money as the dev team did (with the right talent).

Comment Re:So much for Fallout (Score 1) 99

Depends on whether you count BOS or Tactics. Those are generally considered weak ones, but are also largely ignored.

NV is hailed as better than 3, but many disagree, but the NV lovers are louder, so we pretend they are right, because it doesn't matter to anyone except NV lovers.

Comment Re:So much for Fallout (Score 1) 99

Oh I pine for the stuff that came out when I was 15-25 years old, that was the pure golden age of entertainment.

Every generation since the '50s has said the same, probably before that too, but I don't have first-hand stories from those times. Grease is a movie about '70s nostalgia of the '50s. That '70's show was about nostalgia for the '70s, and I remember Wizardry and Larn fondly, both released in the '80s(81/86 respectively), when I was the "golden age". Now I have to go see if Might and Magic 4 is freeware/abandonware. Ultima II, the original XCom: UFO Defense was an isometric turn based RPG that was 3 years before Fallout (1), and did it better. I didn't play F1/2/BoS until after I played 3 when it came out. 1/2/Tactics were not sufficiently different in game play than other games.XCom had more complexity in story and "side games".

But don't worry, kids these days will hate on Skyrim, but love Fortnite and Minecraft. It happens every generation.

Wizardry was the first non-arcade game I fully finished. It's also the first game I "hacked", from taking out the save disk before a battle, so if I lost, I could reboot and not "save" the failure, to using hex editors to manipulate character stats stored in the save files. Progressive hacking as I got farther from the initial game win. I spent 1000 hours winning the game, mapping every level, and playing every class in multiple ways (use a thief for low levels, then, when your mage is high enough to replace a thief with spells, drop the shitty thief for a new person in that slot, create characters solely designed to unlock the special classes, then run a group of mostly special classes). It always amazes me that the bestselling game of the time is almost completely forgotten. Possibly the first "dungeon crawl" and a nearly FPS RPG one sees with Skyrim and Fallout, and zero references in Ready Player One and others that reference the time, and no modern recreation, because the genre generally falters these days. There were Some D&D games that tried, and failed, but a slow, calculating, progress, then run home to heal, then strike out slow game doesn't seem to work. Dark Souls is the closest in "feel" that is out there today. Where you have to spend more time calculating and planning encounters than simply playing, And it's hard to win, and easy to die. The permadeath in Wizardry also made for a unique game.

Wait, what was the subject again?

Comment Re:The economy is collapsing (Score 1) 126

Inequality went from "dangerously unstable and getting worse" to "dangerously unstable and getting worse more slowly".

By "traditional" measures, the economy was doing well. By the same measures, the economy in 1929 was great, then it wasn't. Often crash triggers aren't visible until after the crash, and the delicate service economy with a good GDP (which measures "services") is actually on the edge of collapse. One person loses their job, they don't buy services, so another is fired, and so on until you have the worst unemployment since the great depression.

Is there a measure of GDP which excludes "services"? That would be the measure we need now. Many will hate it, because it'll make the US look weak, being a service economy, but it's a closer measure to the real economy.

How much domestic manufacturing is left in the USA?

Comment Re:The economy is collapsing (Score 1) 126

The 1% defines "the economy" in a way that benefits them. Real measures of economic strength and stability are dismissed as "not real" by them, and those who would kill millions to become one of them.

income inequality caused the Great Depression. Stock measures do not measure "the economy", nor does GDP. Measuring wealth and production doesn't matter if that's only 1% of the consumers. A consumer economy should be measured by the health of the lowest 20%, noth the highest 1%.

Comment Re:At least they are handling it (Score 1) 199

I didn't read the rules in the visa extensions. I know visitors whose visas expired in first lockdown were automatically extended, but I haven't seen if that extension was extended, nor whether it applied to people who expired before the extension. The implication was that "just stay safe, and we'll sort out the rest later" was the official policy, so that there wasn't a mess with people trying to travel when unsafe to do so, or sending healthy people into hotspots to die.

Comment Re:What does the store sell, and is any of it impo (Score 4, Informative) 199

Americold is an American based company that specializes in cold storage shipping. Americold's NZ HQ is in Australia. I expect that Americold had some contact in hand-off from goods shipped from Australia to NZ. Milk is generally local, but most foreign NZ food goes through Australia. Lots of things are packaged around the world and frozen. Then cold-shipped everywhere. Some frozen pies or whatever are shipped in from Woolworths (Australia) to WWNZ (Foodstuffs probably buys some as well that comes internationally, but less, because they are NZ based and owned, but plenty of "Pams" items in Foodstuffs stores are imported).

So people have to get close as the cargo is moved from ship/plane to truck. Best case, it comes in on a cargo ship in containers that are craned off and onto a truck. If that's the case, then this could be a case of surface transmission, which is rare, and nearly impossible to trace.

Comment Re:At least they are handling it (Score 1) 199

NZ had more foreign travelers than the US (all comparisons per capita).

NZ has more travel, 5.8% of GDP, vs US travel, which is 2.8%. But the NZ numbers are foreign travel, and I couldn't find a breakdown of US numbers that was solely foreign travelers, so I expect the actual foreign travel % of GDP is much more skewed.

Shutting down only China was racist, and make it much easier for the early clusters to form around travel from Europe and Israel.

Also, the US had no clear and consistent border policy. Sick people were sent home, and spread it everywhere.

Comment Re:Lets see now... (Score 2) 86

When you have to split hairs, your position is very weak.

"Our slave labor is fine. Theirs is the problem."

If you want the high moral ground, ban all forced labor in the US first. The US actively opposes UN resolutions against slavery because the US uses more slaves than anyone. We just claim it's OK when we do it.

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