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Comment So where to get my routers from? (Score 1) 347

So, as a business I ness US made routers so the chinese slave labor me out of the market, but in my home I need chineese made routers so the NSA isn't hacking my local computer.

Or I just get both, and put them back to back, and hope the US NSA never cooperates with the chineese NSA [equivalent]

Comment Re:if you want your day in court (Score 5, Insightful) 215

And even then, if you did, they would make it a condition of the settlement that you not talk about it, that they admit no wrong, and you'd get a couple thousand dollers while they continued their conspiracy ( making it more difficult for everyone to negotiate for higher saleries).

Comment Re:That was a key plot point of the 1st season... (Score 1) 118

Legalize it and let the meth heads kill themselves off. Then the cooks will have no customers. At least I'll be able to limit the symptoms of my fucking cold without feeling like a criminal.

If you did any research on this problem you'd realize that it isn't nearly this simple. You're argument boils down to the classic, "If they are only hurting themselves, why do I care?"

But, that isn't the case. Because of the way meth is made, when it goes wrong, shit explodes, and/or the rooms are filled with dangerous chemicals that require specialized training, time, and money to repair. In small towns, where meth gets popular, local sherrifs simply don't have the time/man power/and budget to deal with the aftermath of shutting down meth labs. Best case there are in the middle of no where, but, we also find them in hotel/motel rooms ( mobile, hard to trace).

Comment Re:do we need more shitty scripters? (Score 1) 92

We never hire someone because of an explicit language they know. We hire them for their ability to problem solve, know at least one major language L = { c++ / java / .net / ruby / python }, and their willingness to learn another one as the job needs. We use a lot of advanced frameworks, where 1/2 the work is figuring out the right way to configure everything.

Comment Re:They're nuts but right (Score 1) 1374

Insightful ? hahahahah no. If he was a fucking ninja, he wouldn't have brought a gun in the first place. The gun works because it causes people to back away (rightfully afraid for their lives) instead of overwhelming the crazy man with raw pounds force (dog pile). Once there is no gun, a single man is quickly subdued by the dozen others in the bank. Or by simply running away and calling the police. Banks have a lockable room typically somewhere....

Comment Re:do we need more shitty scripters? (Score 1) 92

I like it. And I think it is a good starting langauge.

You can actually acomplish things quickly with it. And a full OO paradigm for teaching more complex business coding style and organization. I saw "perl and bash scripting" on a job posting today, clearly that could be replaced with ruby.

And python is maintained by nazis

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