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Comment Re:Yeah sure (Score 1) 371

An Al Qaeda member named Anwar al-Awlaki is not an American citizen in any meaningful way. Killing him was perfectly acceptable. American citizens have fought against their own country in previous wars too, only you didn't hear about it. They were killed with no trial and no fanfare, because that's the way war works.

Comment Re:It's Chicago (Score 2, Insightful) 107

Chicago residents have zero interest in individual rights and freedom. In fact, the very idea frightens them. They would much rather have the government take care of them and tell them what to do. This is why every Chicago incumbent (all Democrats) gets reelected as long as they are interested in running. People here have no desire for reform, as they are either getting something from "the system" or think they will be too.

Once I realized this, a lot of things that were previously a mystery all of a sudden became clear.

Comment Re:You make it... (Score 2) 519

Tenure would do nothing to stop this, and would in fact make it worse. Without tenure, you're free to go work somewhere else if you find the current environment too oppressive. Anyone working in IT knows the importance of being able to switch jobs. You can't plan on working in one place forever. If there were tenure, you would be unable to switch jobs without starting on the bottom at the new place. Good luck escaping a bad work environment under that system! Imagine the horrible political environment that would result from management trying to force out a tenured employee that they couldn't fire, so the only way is to make the environment so miserable the person quits.

Comment Re:You make it... (Score 3, Insightful) 519

That's very very unlikely to happen. The school board and parents would come down hard on any administrator who was that dumb.

Should we give IT workers tenure too? What if the boss threatened to fire everyone who doesn't want to program in VB6? See I too can come up with completely ridiculous examples to prove non-existent points.

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