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Comment FYI (Score 1) 237

"the 10,000 or so chinese characters"

There are quite a few more Chinese characters than that. The Kangxi dictionary, published in the early 18th century, lists 47 thousand (albeit many of them are not used commonly any more).

Comment Re:Same? (Score 1) 237

"When you're using ideographs, such as in Chinese, you'll probably have a pretty good idea what a new character means, but not how to pronounce it"

Well, not quite, at least in Chinese. Most characters give you a small hint about the meaning plus a small hint about the pronunciation.

For example, check out this character: http://www.mdbg.net/chindict/rsc/img/chargif/GB256s/stat/c2e8.gif pronounced "ma" (in Mandarin) with a high unchanging pitch (1st tone), it means "mother". It's made of two halves. The left half hints at its meaning; http://www.mdbg.net/chindict/rsc/img/chargif/GB256s/stat/c5ae.gif means "woman" (and is pronounced "nu"). The right half hints at its pronounciation; http://www.mdbg.net/chindict/rsc/img/chargif/GB256s/stat/c2ed.gif is pronounced "ma" with a falling and then rising pitch (and means "horse"). So someone unfamiliar with this character could guess that it's pronounced something like "ma" and has a meaning that's somewhat related to women -- but wouldn't specifically know if it were actually pronounced "la" or "mu", and wouldn't specifically know if it meant "young girl" or "pregnancy" or whatever.

This isn't true for all characters, but IIRC it is for the majority.

Submission + - Puzzle in xkcd book finally cracked (xkcd.com)

An anonymous reader writes: After a little over five months of pondering, xkcd fans have cracked a puzzle hidden inside Randall Munroe's recent book xkcd: volume 0. The thread on the xkcd forums starts here; the post revealing the final message (a latitude and longitude plus a date and time) is here.
Desktops (Apple)

Submission + - Adobe's CTO on plans for Flash on Macs (adobe.com)

xandroid writes: "Earlier in the week, Adobe's CTO Kevin Lynch wrote a blog post addressing (the lack of) Flash on the iPad, and in the comments talks about the state of Flash performance on Macs in general. John Nack (Photoshop's Principal Product Manager) highlights some good news for Mac users:

...Flash Player on Windows has historically been faster than the Mac.... We have and continue to invest significant effort to make Mac OS optimizations to close this gap, and Apple has been helpful in working with us on this. Vector graphics rendering in Flash Player 10 now runs almost exactly the same in terms of CPU usage across Mac and Windows, which is due to this work. In Flash Player 10.1 we are moving to Core Animation, which will further reduce CPU usage and we believe will get us to the point where Mac will be faster than Windows for graphics rendering. Video rendering is an area we are focusing more attention on — for example, today a 480p video on a 1.8 Ghz Mac Mini in Safari uses about 34% of CPU on Mac versus 16% on Windows (running in BootCamp on same hardware). With Flash Player 10.1, we are optimizing video rendering further on the Mac and expect to reduce CPU usage by half, bringing Mac and Windows closer to parity for video.


Comment Re:We got hit by this (Score 2, Informative) 144

If your site is on a shared server, it may be the case that another user of the server got hacked (or is malicious in the first place) and was able to access your files. In this case, it's a very good idea to notify your host that your files have been messed with.

Something you may consider: make a backup of a known-good .htaccess, and set up a cronjob to `diff --brief` the two frequently and email you if they're not the same. I've done this with a list of all the PHP files in my account on a shared server:

7 */4 * * * cd $HOME; find . -name *.php >tmp.phpfiles.txt; if [[ -n "$(diff --brief tmp.phpfiles.txt phpfiles.txt)" ]]; then diff tmp.phpfiles.txt phpfiles.txt | mail -s "new PHP files" YOUR@EMAIL.ADDRESS; fi; rm tmp.phpfiles.txt

Submission + - Designing the computer UIs in movies (npr.org)

xandroid writes: "NPR talks to Mark Coleran, who "designs the fancy-but-fake graphics that flash across computers in the movies. He has worked on a laundry list of blockbusters: The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Ultimatum, Children of Men, Mission Impossible III and many more. He says a lot of the inspiration for computer screens comes from video games.""
Internet Explorer

Widespread Attacks Exploit Newly-Patched IE Bug 141

itwbennett writes "The first widespread attack to leverage the Internet Explorer flaw that Microsoft patched in an emergency update Thursday morning has surfaced. By midday Thursday Symantec had spotted hundreds of Web sites that hosted the attack code. The attack installs a Trojan horse program that is able to bypass some security products and then give hackers access to the system, said Joshua Talbot, a security intelligence manager with Symantec. Once it has infected a PC, the Trojan sends a notification e-mail to the attackers, using a US-based, free e-mail service that Symantec declined to name." Relatedly, reader N!NJA was among several to point out that Microsoft has apparently been aware of this flaw since September.

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