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Comment Re:Useful changes (Score 2) 55

> The supply of money has nothing to do with inflation;

That's not quite true.

In virtual gaming currencies, which are monotonically increasing, games such as Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, PoE, etc. which have infinite supply (for all practical purposes),have the cost of items goes down as more and more people become wealthier.

This is most evident in Path of Exile's temp leagues, where every new "season" the cost is exuberantly high and comes down from the stratosphere as the season progresses.

Stupid /. logging me out

Comment Re:standing desk is incompatible with head-down wo (Score 1) 348

> The overseers want to be able to look across the sea of cubes with low walls and see everyone's head bent down,

Uh, if everyone is standing, all that has changed is that everyone's head has move up 1 or 2 feet.

> The nail/person that stands up gets hammered down.

Nonsense. Find a better company that knows how to respect people and is willing to _invest_ in their employee's health.

Comment Re:Limited power to change working situation... (Score 2) 348

> even though there is absolutely zero evidence that stationary standing is better for you, standing desks are being pushed so hard.


I switched to standing desk alternative between siting and standing. I most certainly do feel better as the constant switching every 15 mins or so breaks up the complete monotony and stress of siting all day.

My personal subjective experience over-rules your "data."

Comment Re:GeekDesk! (Score 2) 348

> I wonder how much a standing desk would really help.

I switched to one a few years back. I was extremely skeptical at first.

The first few days of usage was enough to convert me for life. Absolutely love it ! You sit for a while, stand for a while. It breaks up the monotony of not moving. Especially if you take a 5 min break every 45 - 55 mins.

> I would suspect just-standing as you would at a standing desk is better than sitting,

No, as that is too hard on the feet / soles.

> if only because of micro-movements involved in remaining standing.


Submission + - Silverlight exploits up, Java down, Cisco reports (

angry tapir writes: Attempts to exploit Silverlight soared massively in late 2014 according to research from Cisco. However, the use of Silverlight in absolute terms is still low compared to the use of Java and Flash as an attack vector, according to Cisco's 2015 Annual Security Report. The report's assessment of the 2014 threat landscape also notes that researchers observed Flash-based malware that interacted with JavaScript. The Flash/JS malware was split between two files to make it easier to evade anti-malware protection. (The full report is available here [registration required].)

Comment Re:instant disqualification (Score 1, Insightful) 648

> I've never understood the hate for VB.

Because shit designed languages, like PHP, Basic, and Javascript teach and encourage all sorts of bad, sloppy, programming habits, and inhibit the programming from using _good_ design / architecture. i.e. Visual Basic didn't get inheritance _until_ VB.NET long after everyone suffered with VB6.

For professionals we want compile-time type checking to catch stupid mistakes of

- mis-spelt variables
- using a variable with a mis-matched type.

Sure, for one-off's and throw away code VB6 was fine, but when you change the case of a variable, and the IDE changes ALL copies of it, or worse, lets you use a variable without declaring it earlier, you are shooting yourself in the foot with dumb mistakes that will waste your time tracking down subtle bugs.

> The verbose syntax of VB makes it easier for a broader range of abilities to be introduced to programming without all the symbology of C like languages getting in the way.

Nothing says a noob language like verbosity.


Verbosity is "noise" cluttering up the "signal" all in the name of a mythical "readability." Consider the enum in VB6:

Public Enum Flavor
    flVanilla = 2
    flChocolate = 4
    flCoffee = 8
    flStrawberry = 16
End Enum

C's enum gets rid off all the crap we don't need:

struct Flavor
    FLAVOR_VANILLA = (1 << 1),
    FLAVOR_CHOCOLATE = (1 << 2),
    FLAVOR_COFFEE = (1 << 3),
    FLAVOR_STRAWBERRY = (1 << 4)

Note: The '=' equal sign is multi-column aligned, but /.'s formatting is retarded and strips contiguous whitespace.

In Mathematics we don't go:

result_integer = integer_2 integer_add integer_2

We get rid of the superfluous crap and use symbols.

result = 2 + 2;

Verbosity is one of the reasons Pascal was a complete failure. It wasn't pragmatic and/or practical for SERIOUS coding.

Submission + - Interior of burnt Herculaneum scroll read for first time 1

Solandri writes: When Mt. Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79, it destroyed a library of classical works in Herculaneum. The papyrus scrolls weren't incinerated, but were instead carbonized by the hot gases. The resulting black carbon cylinders have mostly withstood attempts to read their contents since their discovery. Earlier attempts to unfurl the scrolls yielded some readable material, but were judged too destructive. Researchers decided to wait for newer technology to be invented that could read the scrolls without unrolling them.

Now, a team led by Dr Vito Mocella from the National Research Council's Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (CNR-IMM) in Naples, Italy has managed to read individual letters inside one of the scrolls. Using a form of x-ray phase contrast tomography, they were able to ascertain the height difference (about 0.1mm) between the ink of the letters and the papyrus fibers which they sat upon. Due to the fibrous nature of the papyrus and the carbon-based ink, regular spectral and chemical analysis had thus far been unable to distinguish the ink from the paper. Further complicating the work, the scrolls are not in neat cylinders, but squashed and ruffled as the hot gases vaporized water in the papyrus and distorted the paper.

Full paper in Nature Communications (paywalled).

Comment Re: Limited power to change working situation... (Score 1) 348

What a smeggin cop out.

Of course you have a choice -- if *you* won't respect your body and buy better equipment so it is healthier don't expect any one else too either.

Dual / triple monitors and a standing desk are the two *best* _investments_ for your body you can give it. Am ergonomic keyboard where your wrist isn't twisted is also great.

Maybe by being proactive and setting a positive exams your company will get on board by taking ergonomic health issue more seriously.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Complaining about it and doing _nothing_ is precisely part if the problem.

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