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Comment Re:4K display, anyone? (Score 1) 471

I am having some memory flashbacks to when people were saying about the same things about USB.

Thunderbolt *IS* PCI Express. Interfacing any PCI hardware with Thunderbolt is extremely simple from the manufacturer's p.o.v. - it's a single bridge chip. Then you use the same drivers you used for the internal PCI/PCIe card.

Comment Re:Unix Workstation (Score 1) 471

Considering that the last SGI, HP, IBM and Sun workstations used to cost way more than that for the entry models, i do say it's a fair price.
And as perpenso mentioned in a post below, you are able to get a mac mini starting at $600 as a cheaper option.

Comment Re:A $600 Mac mini is also UNIX(R) (Score 1) 471

You're absolutely right. I do have a mac mini and it does everything i need it for. But like the most family car owners who dream of having a muscle car, mac mini owners dream of getting a Mac Pro - even if they don't need it.

I think mac mini is the cheapest UNIX(R) workstation there ever was.
Even the SGI Indy in the basic configuration (16Mb ram, 8bit 2D graphics) was incredibly expensive when new.

Comment Unix Workstation (Score 4, Interesting) 471

Apple haters or not, the saddest thing to realize is that the only UNIX(R) Workstation on the market is now the Mac. As Apple is the only UNIX 03 certification holder who is still making desktops and laptops. All the other UNIX 03 hardware produced at the moment is Datacenter-only rackmounted servers.

So $2999 for a powerful UNIX(R) Workstation is a fair price.

Comment Re:Romania... (Score 1) 156

In the last 5 years smoking was banned almost everywhere (public & private institutions) in Romania. Also there are way less "smoke-belcher" cars on the street now. But there's more dust - as almost all the forests around the cities were cut down.

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