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Comment Re:Keyboards for writing (Score 1) 147

The problem with double shots is that until quite recently, they were always made of ABS. That means they get shiny, and generally (but not always) feel kinda cheap. PBT and POM have much better feel and don't pick up a shine, but double-shot PBT has always been a low-yield process. Recently a process has been developed to use POM for the inserts and PBT for the key body, and this seems to work, though the wrinkles are still being ironed out. Also, PBT tends to warp while cooling, making the yield low for spacebars. Lots of PBT-key sets still come with an ABS spacebar for this reason.

Pad printing is also not the only option. Dye sublimation is an option for PBT (it doesn't work well on ABS), and although it has less contrast and sharpness than double-shot, it does not wear out because it's not on the surface, it's in the first 0.2 mm or so. Then there's lasering of the legends, which is exactly what it sounds like. The uppermost layer is lasered away, and the plastic below is either photosensitive or is a different color. The downside is that contrast is typically poor and there is a derpression at the legend which can sometimes be felt -- the opposite of pad printing, where sometimes the raised area can be felt, particularly when a clearcoat is applied to reduce wear.

You're rocking a board with Cherry MX switches. There are plenty of replacement key sets available for you. The bad news is that the keys alone probably cost more than your entire keyboard.

Comment The Decline of Chiptunes (Score 1) 175

Similarly one could ask "why are so few artists making 8-bit chiptunes these days, voluntarily restricting themselves to the limits of a pair of AY3-8910 chips?" The answer is: because it's passé, plain and simple. I still do it (some, far from exclusively), but even some of the other people on the same project don't understand why I am sticking religiously to either 3 notes + 1 noise in mono, or 6 + 2 in hard-panned stereo, with no exceptions. (OK, for Berlioz I used exactly double that.) I force myself to adhere to those limitations because that's what they were. If I don't, then it's inauthentic, and once I start bending rules for convenience, why should I stick to the Mockingboard format at all? I might as well do cheesy MIDI with 16 channels and essentially no composition limits.

Comment Re:not to be technical but... (Score 1) 83

"If you hit the wall in an Indy Car and don't take your hands off the wheel, you'll break your wrists. Our wheel is a one-to-one replication of that, but we don't turn it up that high.

If you don't turn it up that high, it's not really a one-to-one replication then, is it?

It is, up to its limit. One-to-one just means they aren't scaling back ALL outputs to fit them in their dynamic range, they're allowing them to clip to the safety limits.

Comment Asymmetry of ridership. (Score 1) 515

I can foresee asymmetric travel. In the mornings, you'd have people going north, and in the evenings, people going south, more than the reverse. It's easier to get around the SF Bay without a car than it is to get around L.A. without a car. Thus, a lot of the people coming south are going to drive, because even if a train can get them 90% of the way there, they still have a last mile problem.

Comment Re:yes, and people from other countries too (Score 1) 39

Of course, but letting the doctors from outside do their work uninhibited IS to their credit. The same cannot be said of all such operations in the region.

This may have something to do with the fact that Liberia itself has an internal image that it is a modern nation with a money problem, rather than a "developing nation".

Submission + - Enterprise SSDs potentially lose data in a week (ibtimes.co.uk)

Mal-2 writes: From IB Times:

The standards body for the microelectronics industry has found that Solid State Drives (SSD) can start to lose their data and become corrupted if they are left without power for as little as a week. According to a recent presentation (PDF) by Seagate's Alvin Cox, who is also chairman of the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC), the period of time that data will be retained on an SSD is halved for every 5 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit) rise in temperature in the area where the SSD is stored.

Comment Re:Just in time for the End of the Line (Score 1) 166

Pundits have been saying that at least since 90nm, you know. Then 65, and again at 45, 32, 33, and now at 14.

And those limits were dodged by some new process: SOI, copper interconnects, what have you. He's not saying we won't see 10 nm, he's just saying there's a good chance it will have to be something other than CMOS.

Comment Re:Finally a replacement (Score 1) 166

Moving up to a 1090T or 1100T Black Edition could be nice. 3.2 or 3.3 out of the box, but 3.8 or 3.9 is almost a given without worrying about voltage bumps and awesome cooling. My 1090 was throttling at 3.8 when running SuperPi on the stock cooler, but have no such problems with a Hyper212. I would need more cooling to run all-day-every-day at 4.0.

Granted, 2.8 to 3.8 may not make a lot of real world difference when memory bandwidth comes into play, and as you pointed out, the GPU has a lot to do with it (when it's relevant at all, which it isn't when, say, running six sessions of WinRAR at once).

AMD can hold their own in the mid-high end, though they aren't cranking out the high-margin "extreme" processors. Those are more of a status symbol anyhow, for both manufacturer and consumer, and I doubt that even Intel makes enough of them to be a big chunk of its gross income. That's why they're so damn expensive. Why make them any cheaper if you can't make them rapidly enough as it is?

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