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Comment Copyright should not be forever (Score 1) 73

Old 78s is a perfect argument for why copyright needs to expire. The record companies aren't preserving this old recordings but they are using the copyright hammer to prevent others from doing it for no damn good reason.

The longest a copyright should last is life of the artist plus 10 years. And there are solid arguments for it being much less than that. If a corporation registers a copyright, they must name a single principle artist for this benchmark.

Comment Go ahead, measure by line (Score 1) 157

Measure my productivity by lines of code. I can pump shit out at a phenomenal rate. But it's going to be exactly that: shit.

I'm paid to solve problems. Sometimes a problem requires me to change a single variable. But finding that single variable could take hours, sometimes days. Debugging is often a time consuming process.

Comment Re:Lovely... (Score 2) 44

The supply issues are well documented. Products across the world were in short supply, not just game consoles. There is absolutely no good reason to make it hard for people to get the console because they make their money off the games. The console is sold barely above cost. Sony doesn't see a dime from the resellers that bumped the price up to crazy levels.

You believe in a conspiracy that is stupid.

Comment There's age-ism in Silcon Valley too (Score 1) 61

If you are an older tech worker like me, you hope your job will last until retirement because it's very difficult to find a new job. They want young and stupid workers. I say stupid, because they'll work 16 hour days every day on a fixed salary. As you get older, you realize that working yourself to death isn't worth it, regardless of any bonuses.

It sounds like it's much worse in China with the cut-off age of 35. Either way, it's wrong but is unlikely to ever be fixed despite the law.

Comment Thought Police (Score 2) 46

People aren't complaining about the quality of the writing or whether the story is good or not. They can't since they haven't read the damn book. They are objecting to the very existence of an idea. It's these ignorant reactions that give the entire woke movement a bad name. If you think the premise of the book could never happen, you have been living in a bubble.

Comment Re:The should kick out the facist moderators first (Score 1) 56

I was perma-banned from most of the political subreddits, across the entire political spectrum. Every single one, both on the right on on the left, loved their echo chamber and did not tolerate anything that disturbed it - especially facts.

I eventually got my account banned because I said mean things about the recently deceased pope. Saying disparaging remark about the bastard that protected child molesting priests was considered inciting violence.

Comment Re:"Defying the science" is irrelevant here (Score 1) 246

Wrong again. The power granted by Congress specified what they were allowed to do, but the EPA expanded the definition beyond that. And what the Army Corp of Engineers say does not matter if it is beyond the scope as specified by Congress. That was the entire point of the SCOTUS ruling. Also, this wasn't something decided by a slim margin. It was so obvious that the EPA had overstepped that the decision was unanimous.

What should have happened before SCOTUS got involved was the executive branch (the President) should have reigned in the EPA, but that didn't happen.

Comment Re:"Defying the science" is irrelevant here (Score 1) 246

A seasonal puddle is not a wetlands, but that's exactly what the EPA has decided. They were given the power to manage waterways and wetlands and proceeded to expand the definition to a ridiculous level.

And just because they've been doing it for a long time doesn't make it acceptable. There are numerous wrongs that took decades to reverse.

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