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Comment stop already (Score 1) 335

you know what? most stylists are women or gay men. Oh no, I'm being discriminated against! And women plumbers are totally under represented (though the ones who are doing it are freakin rich).

Perhaps its time to consider whether anyone has asked the question: do women really really want to work in IT? Or do they prefer other professions? Accounting? Sales? Something else?

Comment your needs and commitment level? (Score 1) 403

From the description "to migrate my homebrew router/firewall/samba server to one of the BSDs" it sounds like you need/want more than just a straight forward firewall. Based on that observation, I would go with FreeBSD. It has the largest install base, a great handbook, many online guides and a lot of helpful people on irc, etc.

If it were just the firewall alone you could make an argument for OpenBSD and while you can probably still do all the other stuff, you will probably be more frustrated when you run into problems. While I would like to recommend the red headed step child of NetBSD, been there, done that, only FreeBSD now.

Comment Major? (Score 4, Insightful) 257

Like Charlie Whosit major? We are so weak and pathetic. What was the toll? 10? 15? More people probably choked and died eating fast food that day. And thousands march supposedly to defend "freedom of speech" at the same time their leaders/legislators wish to take as much of it away as possible.

Oh did anybody march in Nigeria this week? Last month? How many world "leaders" showed up there? More died as a result of terrorism there in the past month than probably in the past five years (if not quite a bit more) in Europe.

Terrorism as existed for ages. To get wound up and bent out of shape the way people do now over a handful of deaths is insane and contributes to the continuation of the attacks.. If this is the best that Al or Bob Qaeda and ISIS can manage can't we all just give it a freakin rest? It is one thing to feel some sorrow for the families of those kiled but quite another for whole societies to change their principals and ways of life.

Comment Streisand effect (Score 1) 894

just fucking ignore those people then. Skip the "news" reports. Don't go to those "offensive" websites.

And this idiotic notion of "hate" speech or "hate" crimes. Does it really matter why someone murdered you? Murder is a crime. So is assault. So is battery. And to our German friends - are the printed words of Hitler and associates really that scary? Or are you just pathetically weak of mind that you would fall for that tripe again?

When society gets to the point of legislating "offend no one" we all might as well put a gun to our heads as its just not worth living anymore.

Comment Re:Take the snark elsewhere (Score 1) 681

He's doing important work explaining science in a comprehensible way to a lot of people who aren't scientists

A lot of people are engaged in public endeavours of all types. Yet few have their own cult followings.

People make important decisions based on whether they understand science.

Some people make such decisions, most do not.

Would you prefer your doctor treat you based on mythology instead of science?

A doctor for all intents is a scientist.

Scientists in general are terrible at public relations so having some guys like NDGT who are actually good at it is hugely beneficial to all of us.

Generally the people who view him (or Cox) as particularly "good" are those who don't need to watch. The Fox only ratings of "Cosmos" were pretty dismal so maybe we should also rethink NDGT's "appeal" to the wider community?

Comment Collosal waste of money (Score 1) 219

Certainly one of the biggest boondoggles ever. At an estimated cost of $150B through 2015, that is $24 million per day! (based on 6250 days by end of 2015). Extending the math, that is just over $1.5 million per orbit.

And for what? What inventions or unique processes have been discovered or perfected and put into use on earth to better our own lives? What scientific results have been significant? (I won't even ask for memorably significant) What non-human experiments were done what could not have been done far cheaper by other means? Did the TV news ever lede with "An incredible scientific breakthrough by astronauts/researchers on ISS was announced today...."

Using just a third of that money, NASA (and lets be honest, almost the entire cost is paid by the US) could have spent over $6B more on exploratory missions to each of the other 8 planets (including Pluto). And still had $100B left over to spend on projects, scientific or otherwise, at home.

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