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Comment Re:Ok so rumor. Details are where? (Score 1) 78

From the blog post:

2. Will Facebook (or conversely Google) allow me to run both AdSense and FBAds concurrently or will I have to pick one or the other (see #1).

Precisely the problem I had when implementing Yahoo's contextual ads back in 2005. Google did now allow them to be shown on the same page, so I ended up doing an A/B test for half the site to see how they would compare.

Yahoo repeatedly failed to provide ads that were actually relevant to my site, which resulted in low low clicks, and in turn, very low return. I quickly returned to Adsense.

Comment Competition is good but... (Score 4, Insightful) 78

... will it work? Yahoo! tried this back in 2005 and it failed miserably. Too much promised up front with too little returned. Publishers dropped it like a potato before Yahoo! could improve the contextual workings to increase the CTR. I know because I tried it, and quickly discarded it.

Lesson is, don't promise something you can't deliver, or are planning to deliver at a later date. Odds are, publishers will return to the "tried and true" and never look back.

Comment Re:Myst Uru (Score 1) 341

That particular puzzle was originally created for online players working together, hence the weird 15 minute wait. That way there was enough leeway for online players to coordinate to solve the puzzle. When the plug was pulled on Uru Online, Cyan had to re-adapt the expansion for single player.

Why they didn't rework this particular puzzle remains a mystery, but I'm sure budgeting had much to do with it.

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