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Comment Re:A transistor made of a single atom? (Score 1) 127

It should be interesting to see what happens in the next few years. SInce following the trend now leads to subatomic 200pm process sizes in 20 years or so. Apparently the current lithography technology has limits around 10nm.

I'm not going to get behind the line on this one; I always seem to get lazy, and then lose out. Not this time, by gods! I'm placing my hold on "The Young Man's Illustrated Primer" at the library right now!

Comment Re:Write or teach. (Score 1) 416

...before you can be honored with a high stress, low pay job teaching a room full of ignorant, arrogant, hormone imbalanced people who are not yet answerable to the adult criminal justice system.

He already reads slashdot. That qualifies him for at least a post at the rural version of Fort Apache, the Bronx. How much worse can it get?

Comment Re:Nice. (Score 1) 537

The resolution on all existing tablets (including ipad2) requires downscaling for 1080p content. And it looks bad. I have my fingers crossed that the upscaling for this resolution will look better. And that one of Apples competitors will get a 1080P+ android device out soon.

Working off a 1600x900 laptop, I always start my desktop pages at a large (1218px) container size. This scales down to a 960 container just fine.

I'm glad we'll eventually get rid of at least one media query, then, when the tablets all get this larger rez. Will take time, of course, but it'll be less CSS to code and less stylesheets to get trundled up in eventually. I say great, and Android? Please catch up!

Comment The nice thing is... (Score 1) 498

There's actually a wind turbine in the heart of our city, less than a kilometer from my home. Part of the wattage I use comes directly from this turbine, through the municipal power grid. Not sure what percentage, but it's cool that at least some of the juice powering my laptop is green.

Comment The reason I submitted this... (Score 0) 404

...was to point out the facts that

a) Canada has no culture. We've always been parasitic in our cultural identity; what little concept we have of a "Canadian culture" sprouted between 1916 and about 1975. Before then, culture immigrated with the masses; since then, it's been subsumed by global influences -- and yes, mostly from the U.S. That's mainly proximity, and puts us in company with a shitload of other countries.

b) The CRTC sucks. Sucks balls, as a matter of fact. I used to be a long-distance reseller; I've dealt with the CRTC on a person-to-committee basis many times. As a body, it's antiquated, stone-aged in its thinking, and yes, usually takes the easy way out by bending to the whims of the big telecom and media entities. It, like it's affiliates in the States and overseas, needs to get their asses in gear and up to speed with what's really happening in the tech world today. It doesn't just risk reputation or stagnation on its current route: it jeopardizes the Canadian public and its technological future in the same way that SOPA and PIPA affect domestic Internet users. Which brings me to...

c) If we're arguing that Canada has become Americanized, then the biggest risk of this is that Canada will adopt the same type of idiotic, tech-blind, censorious legislation that is represented by SOPA and PIPA. If we can import and be influenced by Jersey Shore, Mitt Romney, Kelly Ripa, and Mickey Mouse, how much influence will bills of this magnitude have on our weak-kneed politicos when the U.S. turns around and threatens to increase border security or stop buying natural resources if we don't toe the line?

There. There's the fodder. Have at it, Slashers!


Submission + - Canada Needs to Reinvent CRTC: Outgoing Head (

Patchw0rk F0g writes: "Canada's outgoing CRTC head, Konrad von Finckenstein has some choice (Canadian) words for his successor: Internet and wireless technology has disarmed federal regulators of their weapons to protect cultural identity. The retiring Finckenstein cites over-the-top broadcasting, new Internet technologies and (perhaps most importantly) the fact that the CRTC is antiquated and can't keep up with these emerging technologies as factors in the (still)-growing culture-loss of Canada to the U.S. "We have now moved into an era where the consumer is in control, and where thanks to the Internet and mobile devices, you cannot control access any more," he said in one of his last interviews.

As a Canadian, I welcome our new American overlords, but really? Culture loss is the CRTC's biggest problem? Methinks the possibility of a Canuck sewage-filled silo of censorship á la SOPA and PIPA would be more on their radar as "something we should probably keep a weather eye out for," because... well, that's the culture of the U.S. right now, isn't it?"

Comment Re:Too late? About 4 years too late, in my case... (Score 1) 164

it seem's the decision they made is about a year too late.

Oh sure, take me down with you!

Ironically, I just posted two Blackberry videos onto my YouTube portfolio channel yesterday that I had forgotten about ( I like the vids, but I tell you... my timing sucks! ;-/ If they had held off until I was gainfully employed again, I could at least try to forgive them. RIM was sinking anyways... why not give an old supplier a break, huh?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Yep, entering the programmers' world.

I can't see anyone reading this, so it's merely for my edification, and as a time-capsule back to this moment.

After four months of haggling, hoop-jumping, and enough red tape (albeit not carbon nanotube red tape) to produce an finite but very large number of space elevators, I have finally accomplished my goal. I have prised from the Ontario, Canada provincial government's death-grip the means of continuing on as a viable designer in the post-print techno-bubble we're living in.

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