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Comment Re:OT: Dogs (Score 1) 435

That isn't safe. you need to protect your doggy's eyes. put goggles on his head first.

It looks way cooler too.

Just before christmas one year it was snowing like made which made the traffic all the much worse. I pull up in my lane and look to my right only to see a husky with his head out the window of the car next to me. He had a grin a mile wide, going this is great. wind, snow. It was a absolutely miserable day but that brought a smile to my face.

Comment Re:Non story, headline should read (Score 2) 213

steady rate of high power for one. except for hydro and geothermal, but those doesn't fit or scale everywhere.

solar and wind are great to supply additional power, to cover spikes, and a large residential setup will stabilize the old grid. however they don't have a constant high power output and have to be built at 30-50% over capacity to get to the minimum useful outputs.

that said most homes should have a 3-5 kw solar setup that feed right back into the grid. The power generated would be enough to run their home air-conditioning setups in the hot summer months and a bit of electric heating in the winter. if 50% of homes in a given neighborhood loop had that the spikes would even out during the summer.

Comment Re:Of course, there's this (Score 1) 176

Large scale residential solar deployment though can end the price imbalance. As you need solar at the exact time the sun is out. If your solar unit generates 80-120% of your air conditoning power needs.

That will help with demand and load balance spikes. At least until we get Mr fusion that runs on fecal matter.

Comment Re:sampling bias (Score 1) 405

Your grandfather did those things to survive. Refrigerators didn't exist you had ice boxes may e if you were wealthy. So food wouldn't keep people canned food to preserve it so they could eat. You want fresh chicken you had to slaughter it, or buy it from a butcher who recently slaughtered it.

They didn't clothing stores like we do know, or grocery stores. You want fresh fruits they were only available in season.

If he didn't shovel coal in his furnace he would freeze to death. Many did from that or from carbon monoxide from said furnace. Hell indoor plumbing only became a thing in the 1920's. At least on a Practical level. Most areas didn't get electritcy until after WW2.

You will quickly figure out how to kill to survive if you find yourself starving with a knife in hand.

You have learned more by the time you are 18 than he did by the time he was 40. At least for book knowledge. Street smarts and expirence not included. We are teaching calculus to high schoolers. Half of his high school class wouldn't have had a 5th grade reading level in today world.

Standards change. Accept all of them and not just the tiny fraction you can see. Or in the words of an iwa jima vet I once knew. I fought so we can disagree. That is the right. For that I will never forget him.

Comment Re:1 or 2? Really? (Score 1) 158

It isn't advertised either. I used my nexus 7 to access some google maps, and I stopped at a light a half mile away and noticed it was tracking me. I have the WiFi only version. So google map cache quickly ran out. But it was trying to follow !my route.

Next road trip I am going to link the WiFi together or precache the maps

Comment Re:sampling bias (Score 5, Insightful) 405

When it comes to older generations thinking younger generations are whiney, lazy, idiots sample size doesn't matter.

Old people almost always think that. I am not sure if it is a product of getting old, jealousy of the young, or what.

But you can read newspapers from 100 years ago that had the same articles in them.

Comment Re:Happened to me (Score 2) 147

Your eye muscles are fine. What degrades is your lenses. That is why corrective optics and laser surgery work. Like the Hubble they adjust the optics of light going in to clear up errors

You blink to to wash away dirt but with organic lenses you also have to replace the cells themselves. Cells don't always replicate properly.

Comment Re:Enterprise Turnover? (Score 1) 199

My macbook is from 2009 and supports the latest osx just fine. Sure I don't have some features due to lack of hardware,but speed isn't an issue.

I have owned three I phones since 2008 averaging three years a phone.

At work last year we upgraded to windows 7 and windows 2008 server. That how far behind ERP software is.

Comment Re:Developers! Developers! Developers! (Score 2) 265

Some of those binary blobs though can be useful to move such a way. I recently had to merge, name match , rename and update a few thousand files on windows. I had to manually move them to a unique folder for initial seperation but the I typed ls -name :export-csv l..\list.csv

I then was able to use excel to match file names to what I wanted them to be renamed as and the used another csv to do batch renaming of the files in seconds with the csv containing the files to be renamed and their new file names.

That would have been much harder to do in bash.

While powershell is a bit wordy (think AppleScript wordy)and binary blobs can cause other issues it really isn't a bad set of tools. Better than dos cmd.

Comment Re:What they mean is (Score 1) 39

No Santa Clara county will just borrow one of the FBI units and not tell people it was used. You aren't being paranoid enough.

Personally I am waiting for a really high profile case to be dropped because of it. Right now all you have to do is force the police to disclose how they tracked you and they start dropping cases.

Comment Re:EU Common Market (Score 1) 114

A BMW sells for a different price in California than Michigan. You can go to Michigan and pay a different price and transport it yourself, or just buy it locally. This is done all the time in the USA. Different states having different prices. What is so special about Europe dealing with it?

This isnt a big deal. You then have to pay again to reregister it in your jurisdiction.

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