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Submission + - Toyota's hydrogen future is crumbling. Owners suing. (

whoever57 writes: Toyota Mirai owners are fed up and disillusioned. Hydrogen fuel pumps are hard to find and, rather than new pumps opening, they are closing down. Owners feel misled about the costs and availability of hydrogen fuel stations. Even if a Mirai owner can find a fuel station, it may not be operating.

Moreover, refuelling is frequently a long and problematic process, with pumps taking over an hour to fill a tank and cars getting stuck to the fuel pump for hours. It would be quicker to charge a battery EV.

Naturally, resale values of these cars are plummeting. Even without those problems, once the hydrogen fuel cars that Toyota gives now owners has expired or is out of funds, the hydrogen fuel is very expensive.

Comment Blame Python! (Score 1) 50 shot as I know Python is not the reason why AI projects use so much electricity, but Python and JavaScript are extremely wasteful languages....waste is fine for a quick script, but when you write major backends in either language and they require twice as many servers as a JVM, GO, or CLR alternative, perhaps we should consider how much of an ecological impact programming decisions have...especially since young people seem to have this "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" methodology shoving JavaScript and Python where they are poor fits.

Comment Re:Surprised? (Score 1) 6

I have Frontier at home. It is actually fast. My Ethernet-connected computers register both upload and download speeds close to 1Gbps.

But, just about every evening, or night, it goes down for 1 to 5 minutes. Strangely, the router also seems to shut off the WiFi at this time, which means that some connections within my LAN fail.

I did not experience these dropped connections with Comcast. Comcast's upload speeds were utter crap, but the connection typically stayed up for many months.

Comment And by "Microsoft Account", they don't mean ... (Score 1) 162

... they don't mean "Microsoft Account".

I was setting up a new laptop for a colleague. We have Office 365 (or whatever it's called today) for company email, etc.., but my work account was not accepted. My work email is clearly what I would call a "Microsoft Account", but apparently Microsoft doesn't. I assume that Microsoft doesn't allow the use of this account because they would really prefer us to use the [expensive] Azure AD, or whatever.

I was able to set up local accounts after trying "" (rejected) and "f*ckyou@f*" (rejected, but allowed me to proceed to to setting up a local account.)

Comment You have amazing self-confidence to blame rededit (Score 1) 86

I wish I had your self-confidence..."nope...nothing wrong with me, it's ALL OF REDDIT that's the issue!" "I'm perfect the way I am, it's the entire world that needs to change to accommodate me"

I post on hobby subreddits and the ones for my local community and find it's the most valuable online resource since Wikipedia. For example, look up any product review and add "reddit" to it and you'll get real discussions from real a surprising degree. You'd think it would be much more infiltrated with spam and insincere paid reviews, but the mods are very good at stopping those, as annoying as they can be.

For example, search for a power drill model and you'll see a lot of honest reviews and people saying how they like it and how it compares to others on the market. I happen to be into power tool storage as I have a small space and a futilic hope that somehow I can utilize that small space and find things without selling a bunch of things toolboxes which will help me find things by some dark magic bending the laws of physics and reality. It's a space that has had a lot of activity, interest, and innovation in the last 10 years and there's a lot of discussion....almost all helpful. I can post on power tool forums and get honest answers as well as fair upvoting. For my hobby subreddits, I've learned a lot more from the redditors than any professional author, blogger, or magazine. So while I don't like every detail of the experience, for that reason alone, I keep coming back and learning more and more. Also my local subreddit for my city is quite nice and informative.

Yeah, if you want to rant about feminists, liberals, cancel-culture, "political correctness" or whatever assholes are ranting about these days, you'll get downvoted very quickly.

What is suspect is most people with negative experiences in Reddit fall into one of 2 categories...either pessimists who see annoyances and can't get past them. Yeah, the car detailing subreddit is run by assholes and unhelpful for getting questions answered, for example. I disliked my experience there, but recognize for every shithole subreddit, there are 10 that have been amazing.

The second category is just people who are either contrarians or jerks and aren't used to feedback.

People online call themselves "conservatives" or "heterodoxy" when they honestly have little in common with textbook conservatives beyond being annoyed with or disliking liberals and optimists. They attach the label "conservative" to give their contrarian nature some legitimacy, but they don't actually believe in anything or have positive beliefs, they just like shitting on people left of the spectrum....mostly strawmen "wokesters" who don't really exist outside social media and have no real power or influence in the real world.

Basically, you're annoying to the rest of us...and probably most people who even agree with you. You're a repellent person and people are saying so. When I post something here or on reddit and it gets massively downvoted, I don't think "they're all adolescents or woke fools or cry out 'cancel culture'"...I think either "A: I didn't communicate my opinion very well if so many people find it objectionable" or "B: maybe I'm an asshole?" Have you ever considered that maybe you were the problem? Perhaps you're so used to people just tolerating you...figuring it's easier to just let you rant in person than correct you or tell you they wish you'd go away? Sometimes it hurts getting honest feedback, but that's part of "free speech"...the freedom for your audience to tell you "You suck!" or "I just don't care about whatever you're going on about."

Comment Re:How would they scan it twice? (Score 1) 19

If you can't read the article, read the summary at least before posting:

... casino manager Nicholas Weeks explained that it is possible to insert two receipts into TICO machines. That was a feature, not a bug, and allowed gamblers to redeem two receipts and be paid the aggregate amount. But a software glitch meant that the machines would return one of those tickets and allow it to be re-used

Comment Re:You have to spend most of your time at home? (Score 1) 106

The important piece for residency is capital gains because these aren't associated with working any particular state.

Or the reverse. I just moved to FL and sold my CA house (in that order). I expect to pay CA income tax (*) on part of the proceeds from my house sale, despite living elsewhere.

* CA doesn't have special tax rates for capital gains -- it's all just regular income.

Comment Re:Tell me again why we have these goofballs on to (Score 1) 149

When you say their balance sheets, I understand that to mean in some cases the personal balance sheets of the board who have personally financed office real estate.

That's a possibility, but also the company's balance sheets. Writing down the value would negatively affect the company's P&L and since the CEO's compensation is often tied to the company's profits, that would negatively affect the CEO's income.

Comment Re:Mistake in summary (Score 1) 106

I recently moved from the SF Bay area to Florida to be close to family.

The roads are no better, in fact, probably worse.

The government doesn't perform its most basic service: protecting its citizens. DeSantis just signed a law that effectively removes any oversight of law enforcement, while simultaneously making it much more difficult to record police activities. The state just passed its version of the Vagrancy Act. Florida's solution to homelessness: let's hide them, or lock them up.

Meanwhile, you focus on a few books that no one cared about. Yes, definitely winning. Oh, and that porn was never legal on the shelves. Apparently you are OK with kids getting access to porn as long as it isn't gay porn.

As for the weather, it's not "warm", it's oppressively hot.

Comment Re:I like hybrid environments (Score 1) 149

Unfortunately, this does not work for people doing government work who deal with classified information. That will always and forever require commuting to a secured facility

Many people with security clearances at national laboratories that work on highly classified projects work from home for 2-3 days per week.

Comment Re:Tell me again why we have these goofballs on to (Score 4, Insightful) 149

Those CEOs knew this years ago. Many of them frequently worked from home long before the rest of us. Many of the companies those same CEOs run have large investments in offices on their balance sheets that they would prefer not to write off as stranded assets with no value.

The only change here is a CEO saying out loud the thing that everyone already knew.

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