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Comment Re:Randian Dumbfuckery (Score 1) 318

The logic of not using a life saving method to save lives because breeds resistant strains can just as well be applied to inoculations. Reducing overall population of mosquitoes reduces probability of developing additional strains (just like inoculation reduces chances of additional strains). Your kind of stupidity causes millions of deaths. You are actually worse than Hitler. At least Hitler had a purpose. You and your kind would have millions of people die just to prove an argument.

Comment Re:Randian Dumbfuckery (Score 1) 318

DDT ban has literally killed more people than Hitler. But I guess most of them were in Africa (dying from malaria), so they don't count. It's also been shown that human beings cannot over an entire life time ingest enough DDT (even through the accumulated effect of it making its way into life stock and such) to raise it to harmful levels.

Comment Re:Randian Dumbfuckery (Score 1) 318

Regulations on seat belts did cause accident rates to rise..

Accident rates? Maybe. What about accident fatalities? Increased feeling of safety (which might result from actually being safer) could cause people to have more less-harmful-than-fatal accidents.

Not to mention, where does the government get off on telling people what to do in their own automobile?

The government only gets to tell you what to do in your automobile while you operate heavy machinery on a government-owned road. It also, for example, tells you what you may or may not do in a court room (like you can't sit and read a newspaper in there). What you do in an automobile on a private road or how fast you drive it on a private race track is not something that the government restricts.

Comment green card (Score 4, Insightful) 407

Green Card is the only honest resident alien immigrant status. All others (student visas, J1, H1B, etc.) exist to force techies to accept 2nd class citizen status. If you compete with people for whom getting fired equals getting deported, you will think twice about asking for a partnership in your tech company the way any lawyer or doctor would ask if they contribute to their practice. You may be just as smart or well-educated, but you can be replaced by an indentured servant. Before serfdom was abolished, they used to advertise serfs with special skills (music talents, poetic writing talents, etc.) Being better skilled won't get you ahead if you have no power to bargain for your wages. And unlike low-skilled workers, you can't retrain after half a life-time of learning. You are in. As long as there is any legal immigrant status other than a Green Card, any US citizen would be insane to pursue a STEM career. To make a decent wage, you need to be in top 10%. And if you that smart, any career other career will do.

Comment Re:No one is forcing anyone to do anything (Score 1) 536

He purchased the space with the designated purpose of writing code. This isn't akin to conducting business in an office setting (seeing clients, conducting meetings, etc.). It is more akin to writing prose. If he feels he is more productive in a personal setting, then this is no different from a novelist renting a cabin in the woods to finish that novel that's just not getting out. Would anyone recommend a novelist to rent office space instead of a somewhat isolated personal space to do creative work?

Comment Re:We should lobby to break the cable companies (Score 2) 536

They'll claim that the same website indicated that Comcast did offer the service. So they stated the service was offered -- not that it was previously installed. Good luck holding a realtor liable for a 3rd party not going through with their offer. If the garbage pickup company stops service to your town, do you think you can sue the realtor for that, too?

Comment Re:Explain China then (Score 1) 573

The "future shock" scarcity of mass starvation was on track until China got it's act together

And getting its act together meant loosening the screws and allowing capitalist enterprises to emerge. That's moving to the right. Oh, and my words may offend you, but they are not dumb. Just honest. And the only reason they are dissonant to your ears is that you are too used to the hearing the leftist serenade which, just as the original serenade, is meant to trap you into a lull, Odysseus.

Comment Re:Hasn't been involved with Greenpeace since 1985 (Score 1) 573

The internet was rejected by the private sector. AT&T saw it as competition for their business model which was based on telephones.

AT&T was a state-sponsored monopoly (until it wasn't). It is the court-ordered end of the state-sponsored monopoly which precipitated telecom Renaissance.

You need permissionless, disruptive innovation, not some rich capitalist telling you what to do.

Right. Because state regulation is what causes venture capitalism (ie, investment in creative disruption). GIve me a break.

No, the green revolution was a result of government research efforts that the private sector is too short-sighted to invest in.

If you still haven't heard, the actual scientists (you know... the ones concerned with facts and numbers) don't see green energy as a net-positive in energy gain. Chu stated the fact that he was forced to defend technology which is not mature enough as the reason for his resignation. And that's just on the generation side. On the storage side? Storing energy as covalent bonds is the most stable way of transporting it between disconnected paths which are not effected by gravity.

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